Changing the Banner

An index.html file controls the look and feel of the banner across the top of Spectrum Spatial Analyst. You can find the index.html under <Customerconfigurations>/analyst/theme/banner/default.

Make a copy of the index.html file before editing the banner information in it.

No Banner

To turn off (not display) a banner across the top of Spectrum Spatial Analyst, set the #banner and #mobileBanner properties in brand.css to display: none;

#banner {
 display: none;
 display: none;

With Banner

To turn on (display) a banner across the top of Spectrum Spatial Analyst, set the #banner and #mobileBanner properties in brand.css to display: BLOCK;

#banner {
 display: BLOCK;
#mobileBanner {
 display: BLOCK;

Referencing Banner .html File

To set the .html file to use for the banner, change the path set by the Banner_URL property in brand.css (update only the section in bold shown below).

/* Banner_URL = *** /theme/banner/default/index.html *** */
Note: Do not remove the comments or change the ***, as our java-script program looks for the *** to pick up the .html file path.

Referencing Mobile Banner .html File

To set the .html file to use for a mobile-specific banner, change the path set by the Mobile_Banner_URL property in brand.css (update only the section in bold shown below).

/* Mobile_Banner_URL = *** /theme/banner/default/index.html *** */
Note: Do not remove the comments or change the ***, as our java-script program looks for the *** to pick up the .html file path.

When this property is not specified, mobile devices use the banner set by the Banner_URL property.

Repositioning Navigation Buttons

To move the position of navigation buttons to below the banner, set a larger pixel height for the top property in brand.css.

#navigationIcon.iconContainer {
 top: 50px;
Note: The height of the default Spectrum Spatial Analyst banner is 50px.