Managing the Map Tiling Service Configuration

The Map Tiling Service(Tile Service) is configured and managed using Spectrum Spatial Manager. For more information, see Map Tiling Service in the Services section of the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

To view the Map Tiling Service settings, on the main menu of Spectrum Spatial Manager, select Services and then Tile. You can edit the contents of the fields to configure the Map Tiling Service settings:

Field Description
Use tile cache The cache directory for map tile images used during REST requests for the Map Tiling Service.
SRS Bounds Lists SRS Bounds Lists specifies the coordinate systems that have customized bounds. The Map Tiling Service uses the bounds defined in this list when creating tile maps in one of the coordinate systems. To add to the list, click Add and set the following:
  • Coordinate System: Select a coordinate system from the drop-down list or click the Select Coordinate System button to search the list by coordinate system name or EPSG code. The following fields populate, and define the SRS Bounds, after making your selection.
  • Min X/Longitude: The x value of the lower left point.
  • Min Y/Latitude: The y value of the lower left point.
  • Max X/Longitude: The x value of the upper right point.
  • Max Y/Latitude: The y value of the upper right point.

You can customize the bounds for an existing Coordinate System by changing the values in the Min and Max fields.

You can add multiple SRS Bounds to a SRS Bounds List. If adding a new SRS Bounds, it must have a unique SRS name.

Note: All other items in the Map Tiling Configuration save as per their default values.

Any changes you make to the Map Tiling Service configuration are automatically loaded. For details about the cache settings and Tile bounds list parameters, see Global Configuration Parameters in the Services section of the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

Note: The Map Tiling Service configuration file MapTilingConfiguration is preconfigured and located in the Configuration directory under the root repository. For example, a default installation will place the Map Tiling Service configuration file at http://hostname:port/RepositoryService/repository/default/Configuration/MapTilingConfiguration. Although you can use a WebDAV tool such as WebFolders to copy this configuration file from the repository then upload the modified file, manual editing of this file should only be done by advanced users who require functionality that is not supported by the current version of Spectrum Spatial Manager. Unexpected results may occur when using a manually edited configuration file with Spectrum Spatial Manager.