complexType MapRenderRequest
diagram mapping_p244.png
type extension of tns:Request
base ns:Request
abstract true
used by
complexTypes PanNamedMapByCenterRequest PanNamedMapByXYRequest RenderInlineNamedMapRequest RenderMapRequest RenderNamedMapRequest RenderNamedMapWithOverlayRequest ZoomNamedMapByLevelRequest ZoomNamedMapByScaleRequest ZoomNamedMapByWindowRequest
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:string  optional      
A unique identifier that is returned in the response. It is used for debugging or keeping track of asynchronous requests.
locale  xsd:string  optional      
The language and country code of the request, which is defined using [language_code]_[country_code] syntax. The language code is a 2-letter ISO-639 code. The country code is a 2-letter ISO-3166 code. For example: en_US stands for the English language within the United States of America.
imageMimeType  xsd:string  optional  image/png    
Defines the format of the map image. You must specify the mime type of the image in the format "image/mimetype". The image types supported are png, jpg, and gif.
returnImage  xsd:boolean  optional  false    
Defines how the map image is returned in the response. By default, the map image is not returned in the response, and only an URL pointing to the image location is returned. If returnImage is set to "true", the map image will be returned as inline binary data in the response.
continueOnException  xsd:boolean  optional  true    
Deprecated: This attribute will be removed in future release. Defines whether the issues with rendering of underlying layers should be ignored or not. By default, the layer issue will be ignored. If ignoreLayer is set to false, the map image will not be returned and exception will be returned.
A request base type of all requests that render a map. The base type controls the format and location of the image. By default, images are rendered in png format, and are stored on the server and an URL of the rendered map image is returned.

attribute MapRenderRequest/@imageMimeType
type xsd:string
use optional
default image/png
Defines the format of the map image. You must specify the mime type of the image in the format "image/mimetype". The image types supported are png, jpg, and gif.

attribute MapRenderRequest/@returnImage
type xsd:boolean
use optional
default false
Defines how the map image is returned in the response. By default, the map image is not returned in the response, and only an URL pointing to the image location is returned. If returnImage is set to "true", the map image will be returned as inline binary data in the response.

attribute MapRenderRequest/@continueOnException
type xsd:boolean
use optional
default true
Deprecated: This attribute will be removed in future release. Defines whether the issues with rendering of underlying layers should be ignored or not. By default, the layer issue will be ignored. If ignoreLayer is set to false, the map image will not be returned and exception will be returned.

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