configure Command

Once the geocoding Interactive reference data has been extracted, it must be configured for use. The configuration parameters go into a JsonDataConfig.json. This file is created when you run the configure command.

Format of this command:
configure --s "/data" --d "/path/to/ggsidist-{version}/resources/resources/config"
Format of this command:
configure --s "/data" --d "/path/to/ggsidist-{version}/resources/resources/config"

where --s is the location of the extracted .spd file and --d is the destination folder for the generated JsonDataConfig.json.

Note: If a REST Service is running, the web server must be restarted whenever JsonDataConfig.json is updated.
To configure the data located on multiple paths, the format is:
configure --s "/data,/data2" --d "/path/to/ggsidist-{version}/resources/resources/config"
To configure the data located on multiple paths, the format is:
configure --s "/data,/data2" --d "/ggs-dist-{version}/resources/config"
where "/data,/data2" are two folders of data.

To create tokenized properties, use the string "TOKEN". (The default is TOKEN). The format is:

configure --s "" --d "" --r "TOKEN"  
configure --s "" --d --r "FULL"