deploy Command

The Spectrum Technology Platform SDK distribution is deployed by using CLI's deploy command.

Use the deploy command to deploy the application to a Tomcat webapps directory, creating an application ROOT directory if necessary. This example uses "Geocode" as the directory.

Use the deploy command to deploy the to a Tomcat webapps directory. This example uses "Interactive" as the directory.

Format of this command:
 deploy --c "/path/to/ggsidist-{version}/resources" --m "WAR_EXTRACTED" --d "/tomcat/webapps/Geocode" --l "/tomcat/logs"
 deploy --c "/path/to/ggsidist-{version}/resources" --m "WAR_EXTRACTED" --d "/tomcat/webapps/Interactive" --l "/tomcat/logs"

where the deploy parameters are:

--c or --config Configuration resources directory is included at root level of ggs-dist-{version} as a resources directory when extracted
--m or --mode

Deployment mode default: WAR

WAR - will configure and copy .war to destination directory

WAR_EXTRACTED - will configure and extract .war file to destination directory. Destination directory must be empty

JAVA_API -will configure and copy the Java API to the destination directory (must be empty). The logDirectory path param (–l or --logDirectory) is not required.

--d or --destination Destination directory where application will be configured, for example tomcat/webapps/Geocode
--l or --logDirectory Logging directory is required for WAR and WAR_EXTRACTED file deployments where the application will create log files. Optional for JAVA_API.