
ValidateAddressLoqate standardizes and validates addresses using postal authority address data. ValidateAddress Loqate can correct information and format the address using the format preferred by the applicable postal authority. It also adds missing postal information, such as postal codes, city names, state/province names, and so on.

ValidateAddressLoqate also returns result indicators about validation attempts, such as whether or not ValidateAddressLoqate validated the address, the level of confidence in the returned address, the reason for failure if the address could not be validated, and more.

During address matching and standardization, ValidateAddressLoqate separates address lines into components and compares them to the contents of the Spectrum Universal Address databases. If a match is found, the input address is standardized to the database information. If no database match is found, ValidateAddressLoqate optionally formats the input addresses. The formatting process attempts to structure the address lines according to the conventions of the appropriate postal authority.

ValidateAddressLoqate is part of Spectrum Universal Address.

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The following shows a SOAP request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
               <val:AddressLine1>1825 Kramer Ln</val:AddressLine1>

This would be the response:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns3:ValidateAddressLoqateResponse xmlns:ns2=""
               <ns3:AddressLine1>1825 Kramer Ln</ns3:AddressLine1>
               <ns3:Country>United States</ns3:Country>