Restore a Spectrum repository backup

Use this procedure to restore the Spectrum respository from a backup created by the Admiinistration Uitility server backup CLI command.

  1. Stop the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
  2. Unzip the file obtained from running the CLI server backup command.
  3. Open the Command Prompt as administrator, and on the command line navigate to the SpectrumDirectory/repository/bin directory.
    On the Linux platform, use the ls -l command to check that neo4j-admin is executable.
  4. Run the following command:
    Windows neo4j-admin.bat restore --from=unzip-path --database=graphdb
    Linux ./neo4j-admin restore --from=unzip-path --database=graphdb --force
    In the command line, unzip-path is the directory in which you expanded the contents of the file in step 2.
  5. After the restore command completes, verify that a folder named graphdb is present in databases folder in the following path:
  6. Start the Spectrum Technology Platform server.