Creating a New Logical Model

A logical model is creating in the Modeling category of the Spectrum Discovery application. You define a logical model by adding business entities to it, defining relationships among the entities, and defining properties of the entities.

  1. On the Discovery menu bar, click Model.
    The Logical Model tab is displayed by default.
  2. Click the Add Logical Model button .
    This opens Create Logical Model with an empty canvas.
  3. Enter a name for the model in the Name field.
  4. From the Entities palette, select whether to use the Logical entities or the entities defined in the Glossary to create the model.
    Tip: Use the drop-down list in the palette to filter Logical or Glossary entities based on categories.
  5. Drag an entity to the canvas.

    The entity is added to the canvas and its properties are displayed in the Properties panel on the right side of the page.

  6. Enter a name for the entity in the Entity Name field.
    By default, entities of the same type are named in ordinal sequence (for example, "Document", "Document1", "Document2", …).
  7. To define a new property for an entity:
    1. Select the entity, and if necessary click the PROPERTIES tab to expand the Properties panel.
    2. On the Properties panel, enter details for the selected entity:
      Field Description
      Name Name of the attribute, for example, age.
      Semantic Type Semantic type of the data for this attribute.
      Note: When you select the semantic type, the related data type is displayed in the Type field.
      Type Data type for the attribute.
    3. Click the Add button. The defined attribute, and its semantic and data type are displayed below the entry fields.
      Note: You can delete a property by clicking the Delete button adjacent to it.
  8. To create relationships among entities, perform these steps:
    Note: An entity can have multiple relationships to other entities as well as to itself.
    To add a relationship toDo this
    Another entity Drag from the entity to the other entity.
    The same entity Drag from the entity to itself.

    A relationship is indicated by a relationship link pointing from the primary entity to the related entity, or to the same entity for a self-relationship. By default, relationships are named in ordinal sequence (relation, relation1, relation2, …).

    Note: As in case of entities, you can add or edit properties for a relationship in the Properties panel. For more information, see step 8.
  9. To delete an entity or relationship, select it and click the Delete button.
    When you delete an entity, any relationships with it are also deleted.
  10. Click Save.
The logical model is saved, and you are navigated back to the Logical Model tab of the Modeling page. The details displayed for this logical model are:
The name of the logical model.
Default Mapping
This value is populated only after you map your logical model to the physical models. For more information, see Mapping Models - Introduction.
Last Modified
Last modified date and time of the logical model.
Actions that you can perform on a logical model.
  • Click Create mapping to map your logical model to the physical models.
  • Click Create Context Graph Model to create a Context Graph model based on the logical model. For more information, see Context Graph Model.