element SearchBySQLRequest
diagram feature_p21.png
namespace http://www.mapinfo.com/midev/service/feature/v1
type tns:SearchBySQLRequest
content complex
children tns:SQL tns:TableList tns:BoundParameterList
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:string  optional      
A unique identifier that is returned in the response. It is used for debugging or keeping track of asynchronous requests.
locale  xsd:string  optional      
The language and country code of the request, which is defined using [language_code]_[country_code] syntax. The language code is a 2-letter ISO-639 code. The country code is a 2-letter ISO-3166 code. For example: en_US stands for the English language within the United States of America.
pageLength  xsd:int  optional      
The maximum number of features to be returned in the resulting feature collection. If this is not specified, the whole response is returned.
pageNumber  xsd:int  optional  1    
The page to be returned. The page is a subset of the entire response and based on the 'pageLength' attribute. The page count begins at 1. For example, if the response normally contains 35 features and the 'pageLength' attribute is set to 8, there will be 5 pages (numbered 1 through 5).

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