Query Builder

The query builder allows you to search for information on individual map layers shown on the map. Results are displayed as an interactive table. Clicking a result on the table will zoom to and highlight that feature on the map. You can search and display all of the data for a layer, constrain your search to within the current map view, or search for information which is inside the shapes that you draw on the map as annotations. For some layers the MapInfo Stratus Administrators will have set up additional criteria that you can choose to further limit the results you get (for example, to return results within a date range or results which meet some other value).

Query Builder

A query can be set up to perform a more detailed search on a map. Query now also supports Date, Time and Date_Time data types. You can set your query based on following parameters:
Query Options Description
Query In Allows you to specify the geographic area to search in. You can choose to see all the data, data within the current map view or choose one of the annotations you have drawn to search for data that is inside or touches it. If there are more than one annotation present on the map then two more options will be available to choose from- Selected Annotations and All Annotations.
From The name of the map layer you wish to search.
Sort by You can choose which column of data to sort the results by. You can also re-sort the data once the results are shown.
Filter Some layers will have a list of criteria you can choose. If criteria exist you will be presented with additional text boxes or pick lists to further refine the results you return.
  • No Filter- No criteria is selected.
  • Custom Filter- Displays Filter Criteria dialog box and allows you to customize your search. For more information, refer to Building a Query.
  • Others- In addition to above two filter options, the query filter created from Admin Console are also listed.
    Note: Now, you can select multiple options from query pick list and query on multiple options at once.