.. TSS REST API documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Oct 22 12:01:55 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to TSS REST API's documentation! ======================================== The TSS REST API provides methods of accessing and manipulating :ref:`repositories `, :ref:`entities ` (data sources), and :ref:`business rules `. The methods also support working with the :ref:`Rules Library ` and data relationships like :ref:`joins `, :ref:`keys `, and :ref:`dependencies `. All access is secured using SSL, so all endpoints are only available using ``https://[hostname]/[endpoint]``. Access also requires an :doc:`authenticated connection `. .. _guidelines_label: TSS REST API Guidelines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note the following when working with the TSS REST APIs: * The APIs are designed using the Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) Restful architecture. HATEOAS is a constraint of the REST application architecture that gives you the ability to drill-down via hypermedia links from the returned URLs. A REST client needs no prior knowledge of how to interact with an application or server beyond a basic understanding of hypermedia. * The TSS REST APIs receive and deliver data in Java Script Object Notation (JSON) format. JSON separates the request into different packets. Requests consist of: - A key-value pair, which is a set of two linked data items. The key is a unique data identifier. The value is either the data that is identified or a pointer to the data location. - An ordered list (or array) of values. * Many requests require a GET command and include ID fields for repositories, entities (data sources), and business rules. For example: GET https://host_name:3000/api/repositories/repID/entities * Some requests use a POST command when filtering is required. For example, if you want to include a command to return a list of business rules with a certain threshold. .. _ref_label: Reference ~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 gettingstarted version authentication standard-request standard-response standard-url-query-string libraryentity-commands businessrule-commands library-businessrule-commands admin/restapilocale examples .. _repo_admin_label: Repository Management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Connections ----------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show all `, Show all connections in the repository :ref:`Show `, Show a single connection :ref:`Get `, Get a filtered list of loader connections :ref:`Add `, Add a new loader connection :ref:`Edit `, Edit an existing connection :ref:`Enable/Disable `, Enable or disable a connection Repositories ------------ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`Show all `, Show all repositories :ref:`Get `, Get a filtered list of repositories :ref:`Add `, Add a new repository :ref:`Edit `, Edit an existing repository :ref:`Delete `, Delete a repository :doc:`Users `, Show the users authorised to access a repository Loader Settings --------------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`Loader Cache `, Get Loader cache using get :ref:`Get Loader Cache `, Get loader cache using post :ref:`Edit Loader Cache `, Edit loader cache .. _repo_label: Repositories ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miscellaneous ------------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`Version `, Current product version and build number :doc:`Show all `, Show all repositories :doc:`Show `, Show a repository :doc:`Show all functions `, Show a list of available functions :doc:`Check expression `, Check a humanised expression :doc:`Check predicate `, Check a humanised predicate :doc:`Unmask a value `, Apply a mask to a value and get the unmasked response :doc:`Show Export Encodings `, Show supported export encodings :doc:`Show Locale `, Show repository locale Scheduler --------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`Jobs `, Show all jobs :doc:`Job status `, Show the status of a job File Uploads ------------ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`Upload file `, Upload a file :doc:`Download file `, Download a file :doc:`List files `, Show files uploaded to the server Saved Searches -------------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show all `, Show all searches :ref:`Show `, Show a single search :ref:`Add `, Add a new search :ref:`Edit `, Edit an existing search :ref:`Copy `, Copy an existing search :ref:`Delete `, Delete a search :ref:`Run `, Run a search .. _loaderconn_label: Loader Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show all `, Show all loader connections :ref:`Show `, Show a single loader connection :doc:`Encodings `, Show encodings supported by a loader connection Datasources ----------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show all `, Show all datasources for a connection :ref:`Show some datasources `, Show filtered list of datasources for a connection :ref:`Show data schemas `, Show all dataschemas for a connection :ref:`Show dataschema preview `, Show dataschema preview for a connection .. _entity_label: Entities ~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Count `, Show number of entities in the repository :ref:`Show all `, Show all entities :ref:`Show `, Show a single entity :ref:`Show some `, Show filtered list of entities :ref:`Raw Preview `, Raw preview an entity :ref:`Export `, Export a list of entities in the repository :ref:`Preview `, Preview an entity :ref:`Create `, Create an entity :ref:`Load `, Load data to an entity :doc:`Upload `, Upload a file for an entity :ref:`Edit `, Edit an entity :ref:`Delete `, Delete an entity :doc:`Check XML expression `, Check an XML expression :doc:`Check XML predicate `, Check an XML predicate :doc:`Associated Library Entities `, Show Library entities associated with an entity .. _entity_dr_label: Entity Data Rows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`Rows `, List rows in an entity :doc:`Maximum length `, Length of the longest row(s) :doc:`Minimum length `, Length of the shortest rows(s) :doc:`Longest row(s) `, The longest row(s) :doc:`Shortest row(s) `, The shortest row(s) :doc:`Duplicate keys `, Show duplicate keys in an entity :doc:`Dependencies `, Show dependency conflicts in an entity :doc:`Row details `, Attributes and values of a single row; :doc:`Duplicate Rows Indicator `, Duplicate rows indicator; :doc:`Duplicate Rows `, Duplicate rows; .. _attribute_label: Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show All `, Show all attributes in an entity :ref:`Show Some `, Show a filtered list of attributes in an entity :ref:`Export `, Export a list of attributes in an entity :ref:`Edit `, Edit name and description of an attribute in an entity :ref:`Metadata `, Metadata for a single attribute :doc:`Values `, Values found in an attribute :doc:`Matching Data Rows `, Data rows that match the attribute value in an entity :doc:`Strings `, String values found in an attribute :doc:`Integers `, Integer values found in an attribute :doc:`Decimals `, Decimal values found in an attribute :doc:`Nulls `, Null values found in an attribute :doc:`Spaces `, Attribute value contains only spaces :doc:`Masks `, Masks found in an attribute :doc:`Metaphones `, Metaphones found in an attribute :doc:`Soundexes `, Soundexes found in an attribute :doc:`Patterns `, Patterns found in an attribute :doc:`Phrases `, Phrases found in an attribute :doc:`Deviations `, Deviations found in an attribute :ref:`Recode Values `, Recode Values :ref:`Recode Masks `, Recode Masks .. _entity_br_label: Entity Business Rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show all `, Show all business rules for an entity :ref:`Show some `, Show a filtered list of business rules :ref:`Show `, Show a single business rule :ref:`Edit `, Edit a single business rule :ref:`Run `, Run analysis a single business rule :ref:`Delete `, Delete a single business rule :doc:`Permissions `, Show permissions for a business rule :ref:`All passing rows `, Show all rows that passed a business rule :ref:`Some passing rows `, Show some passing rows for a rule :ref:`Export passing rows `, Export some or all passing rows :ref:`All failing rows `, Show all rows that failed a business rule :ref:`Some failing rows `, Show some failing rows for a rule :ref:`Export failing rows `, Export some or all failing rows :doc:`Groups `, Show groups found in a business rule :ref:`All Group passing rows `, Show all rows in a group that have passed the business rule :ref:`Some Group passing rows `, Show some rows in a group that have passed the business rule :ref:`Export Group passing rows `, Export rows in a group that have passed the business rule :ref:`All Group failing rows `, Show all rows in a group that have failed the business rule :ref:`Some Group failing rows `, Show some rows in a group that have failed the business rule :ref:`Export Group failing rows `, Export rows in a group that have failed the business rule :doc:`Passing rules `, Show all passing rules for an entity :doc:`Failing rules `, Show all failing rules for an entity :doc:`Enabled rules `, Show all enabled rules in the entity .. _br_label: Business Rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Count `, Show number of business rules in the repository :ref:`Entity Business Rule Count `, Show number of business rules in the repository that are associated to an entity :doc:`Show `, Show business rules in the repository :doc:`Priorities `, List business rule priorities :doc:`Aggregate methods `, Show available aggregating methods Categories ---------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show `, Show all categories :ref:`Add `, Add a new category :ref:`Edit `, Edit an existing category :ref:`Delete `, Delete a category Keywords -------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show `, Show all keywords :ref:`Add `, Add a new keyword :ref:`Edit `, Edit an existing keyword :ref:`Delete `, Delete a keyword .. _library_label: Library ~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Count `, Show number of rules in the library :ref:`Show `, Show all rules in the library :ref:`Export `, Export all rules in the library :ref:`List `, Get a list of rules for any library entity :ref:`Run `, Run analysis for a list of rules for any library entity :doc:`Check Expression `, Check an expression against a library entity :doc:`Check Predicate `, Check a predicate against a library entity Entities -------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Count `, Show number of library entities :ref:`Show All `, Show all library entities :ref:`Show Some `, Show a filtered list of library entities :ref:`Show `, Show the metadata for a library entity :ref:`Add `, Add a library entity :ref:`Delete `, Delete a library entity :ref:`Associate `, Associate an entity with a library entity :ref:`Disassociate `, Disassociate an entity from a library entity :ref:`Promote `, Promote entity business rules to the library :ref:`Import `, Import library entity business rules :ref:`Export `, Export library entities :ref:`Remove Attributes `, Remove unused attributes from a library entity :doc:`Permissions `, Show permissions for all library entities :doc:`Associated Entities `, Show entities associated with a library entity :doc:`Associated Rules `, Show business rules associated with a library entity rule :ref:`Associated Entities Mapping `, Show attribute mappings between an entity and a library entity :ref:`Edit Mappings `, Edit attribute mappings :doc:`Business Rules `, Business rules in the library entity :ref:`Business Rule `, Show a particular business rule in the library entity :ref:`Add Business Rule `, Add a business rule in the library entity :ref:`Edit Business Rule `, Edit a business rule in the library entity :ref:`Delete Business Rule `, Delete a business rule from the library entity Attributes ---------- .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show All `, Show all library entity attributes :ref:`Show Some `, Show a filtered list of library entity attributes :ref:`Add `, Add an attribute to a library entity :ref:`Edit `, Edit a library attribute :ref:`Delete `, Delete a library attribute Groups ------ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Show `, Show all groups :ref:`Rename `, Rename a group :ref:`Delete `, Delete a group :ref:`Show Group Rules `, Show library rules in a group :ref:`Add to Group `, Add library rules to a group :ref:`Run `, Run analysis for all library rules in a group :doc:`Delete `, Delete library rule from group :doc:`Results `, Show results for library rules in a group .. _joins_label: Joins ~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Count `, Show number of joins in the repository :ref:`Show All `, Show all joins in the repository :ref:`Show Some `, Show filtered list of joins in the repository :doc:`Show One `, Show a single join :doc:`All Permanent Joins `, Show all permanent joins :doc:`All Discovered Joins `, Show all discovered joins :doc:`Entity Joins `, Show all joins in an entity :ref:`Edit `, Change join status :ref:`Delete `, Delete joins :ref:`Discover `, Discover joins :ref:`Create `, Create joins :doc:`Entity Permanent Joins `, Show all permanent joins in an entity :doc:`Entity Discovered Joins `, Show all discovered joins in an entity :doc:`All Attribute Joins `, Show all joins for an attribute :ref:`Left Non-Matching Rows `, Rows on the left hand side that did not join :ref:`Right Non-Matching Rows `, Rows on the right hand side that did not join :ref:`Inner Joined Rows `, Lists rows in the inner join :ref:`Outer Joined Rows `, Lists rows in the outer join :ref:`Left Outer Joined Rows `, Lists rows in the left outer join :ref:`Right Outer Joined Rows `, Lists rows in the right outer join :ref:`Venn Diagram Information `, Lists information for a particular join venn diagram :ref:`Join Matching Values `, Lists distinct joined rows :ref:`Left Non-Matching Values `, List of values on the left hand side that did not join :ref:`Right Non-Matching Values `, List of values on the right hand side that did not join .. _join_jobs_label: Join Jobs ~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :ref:`Count `, Show number of join jobs in the repository :ref:`Show All `, Show all join jobs :ref:`Show Some `, Show filtered list of join jobs :ref:`Delete `, Delete list of join jobs :ref:`Export `, Export all join jobs .. _keys_label: Keys ~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`Entity Keys `, All keys for an entity :ref:`Create Key `, Create a key for the entity :ref:`Discover Keys `, Discover keys for the entity :ref:`Delete Single Key `, Delete a key in the entity :ref:`Delete Multiple Keys `, Delete multiple keys in the entity :doc:`Permanent Keys `, Permanent keys for an entity :doc:`Discovered Keys `, Discovered key for an entity :ref:`Change Single Status `, Edit status of a key in the entity :ref:`Change Multiple Status `, Edit status of multiple keys in the entity :doc:`Duplicate Keys `, Duplicate values in a key of an entity :doc:`Attribute Keys `, All keys for an attribute .. _dependencies_label: Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`All `, All dependencies for an entity or an attrtibute :ref:`Create `, Create dependency :ref:`Discover `, Discover dependencies :ref:`Delete `, Delete dependencies :doc:`Permanent `, All permanent dependencies for an entity or an attribute :doc:`Discovered `, All discovered dependencies for an entity or an attribute :doc:`Conflicts `, All conflicts for a particular entity/attribute and key :ref:`Resolve Conflicts `, Resolve conflicts :doc:`Normal Form Decomposition `, All normalised rows for a given dependency key(s) :doc:`Corrections `, All corrections for a given dependency key(s) :doc:`Verify `, Verify dependency key(s) :ref:`Change Entity Dependency Status `, Edit status of a dependency in the entity :ref:`Change Attribute Dependency Status `, Edit status of a dependency in the attribute .. _entity_notes: Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :widths: 35, 65 :class: tssindex :doc:`All Notes Count `, Show number of entity-level and attribute-level notes for an entity :ref:`Entity-Level Notes Count `, Show number of entity-level notes for an entity :ref:`Attribute-Level Notes Count `, Show number of attribute-level notes for an entity :ref:`Show All Notes`, Show all entity-level and attribute-level notes for an entity :ref:`Show All Entity-Level Notes`, Show all entity-level notes for an entity :ref:`Show Single Entity-Level Note`, Show a single entity-level note for an entity :ref:`Show All Attribute-Level Notes`, Show all attribute-level notes for an entity :ref:`Show Single Attribute-Level Note`, Show a single attribute-level note for an entity :ref:`Add Note `, Add a new note :ref:`Edit Note `, Edit an existing note :ref:`Delete Notes`, Delete notes from the repository .. Add the pages to a hidden toctree, so they can be indexed properly and to avoid warnings about unlinked documents. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 admin/loaderconnections admin/loaderconnectiontypes admin/patternencodings admin/repositories admin/repository admin/supportedlocales admin/restapilocale repositories repository repositoryversion repositorylocale functions scheduler job upload listfiles checkexpressionfromattributelist checkpredicatefromattributelist unmask exportencodings savedsearches loaderconnections loaderconnection loaderconnectiondatasource loaderconnectionencodings entities uploaddata entity checkxmlexpressionfromentity checkxmlpredicatefromentity rows rowmaximumlength rowminimumlength rowmaxlengthmatches rowminlengthmatches rowsduplicatekeys rowsconflictdependencies rowdetails rowduplicateindicator rowduplicate notes attributes attributemetadata attributevalues attributematchingrows attributestrings attributeintegers attributedecimals attributenulls attributespaces attributemasks attributemetaphones attributesoundexes attributepatterns attributephrases attributedeviations libraryentity-commands entity-businessrules businessrule businessrulepermissions libraryentitiesgroups brrows-passing brrows-failing businessrulegroupfailingrows businessrulegrouppassingrows businessrulefailingrules businessrulepassingrules businessruleenabledrules businessrules priorities categories aggregatemethods librarybusinessrules libraryentities libraryentity libraryentitiespermissions libraryentityassociatedentities libraryentityattributes libraryentitysingleattribute libraryentitybusinessrules libraryentitybusinessrule libraryentityassociatedrules libraryentityassociatedentitiesmapping rulegroups rulegroup rulegroupbusinessrules rulegroupbusinessrule librarybusinessrulegroupsresults checkxmlexpressionfromlibraryentity checkxmlpredicatefromlibraryentity joins joinspermanent joinsdiscovered joinjobs entity-joinspermanent entity-joinsdiscovered attributejoins join joins-metadata entity-keys entity-key entity-keyspermanent entity-keysdiscovered entity-keysduplicates attributekeys dependencies dependenciespermanent dependenciesdiscovered dependenciesconflicts dependenciesnormalformdecomposition dependenciescorrections dependenciesverify download entity-joins entity-associated-libraryentities notes examples