
Parameter Type Purpose
repository string The name of the Repository to access
entity int The ID of the entity to view


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)

Get the metadata for an entity.

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response is a JSON string containing two values:


The columns value is a JSON array describing the columns that make up the data rows.

Each element in the array is a JSON list containing the following keys:

Key Description
columnisedName The column name for computer consumption
humanisedName The column name for human consumption
description Description of the column
    "columns": [
            "columnisedName": "_col0",
            "humanisedName": "Metadata",
            "description": "The name of the metadata statistic"
            "columnisedName": "_col1",
            "humanisedName": "Value",
            "description": "The value of the metadata statistic"
            "columnisedName": "_col2",
            "humanisedName": "Description",
            "description": "A description of the metadata statistic"


The rows value is a JSON array. Each element consists of one or two values:

Key Desciption
dataRow An array containing the data for the row; will have as many elements as there are Columns
metadata A JSON list containing metadata for the data row (see below); appears only in rows having appropriate metadata available

The row metadata contains the following value:

Key Description
url The URL to get the data item
    "rows": [
            "dataRow": [
                "The number of loaded rows"
            "metadata": {
                "url": "/api/repositories/test/entities/2/rows"
            "dataRow": [
                "The number of distinct values loaded (across all attributes)"


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)

Load data to an entity.

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "load",
    "data": {
        "jobName": "my delimited load",
        "scheduleNow": "0",
        "scheduleTime": "2016-05-05 17:30:45"
Response Code Reason
204 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request packet must contain the command and data elements. The options element is not required.

The following table shows which fields are required in data element:

Field Required
jobName Yes
scheduleNow Yes
scheduleTime No (if scheduleNow is 1) / Yes (if scheduleNow is 0)

scheduleNow field can be formatted as follows:

Value Description
1 Schedule the job immediately
0 Schedule the job at a given date and time (requires scheduleTime field)

scheduleTime field can be formatted as follows:

Value Example
YYYY-Month-DD HH:MM:SS 2016-JANUARY-01 10:30:45
YYYY/Month/DD HH:MM:SS 2016/JANUARY/01 10:30:45
YYYY-Mon-DD HH:MM:SS 2016-JAN-01 10:30:45
YYYY/Mon/DD HH:MM:SS 2016/JAN/01 10:30:45
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 2016-01-01 10:30:45
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS 2016/01/01 10:30:45

If the command is successful, the response will return the url link to a scheduled job as follows:

  "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/1"


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities/(int: entityID)

Edit an entity.

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "edit",
    "data": {
        "name": "entity name",
        "description": "entity description"

The request packet must contain the command and data elements.

Key Purpose
name The new name of the entity
description The new description for the entity

The name field is required. The description field is optional.

Response Code Reason
200 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

If the command is successful, the response will return the url link to an updated entity as follows:

  "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/entities/1"


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/entities

Delete one or more entities.

DELETE /api/repositories/jupiter/entities HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "delete",
    "data": {
        "entityId": ["198", "199"]

The request packet must contain the command and data elements.

Key Purpose
entityId A list of entity IDs.

To delete only one entity, provide only 1 entity ID:

    "command": "delete",
    "data": {
        "entityId": ["200"]
Response Code Reason
200 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

If the command is successful, the response will return the url link to the scheduled job:

  "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/136"