Getting Started

The TSS REST APIs are installed with the TSS server software. Before users can access the APIs, ensure the Rest API service is started. Use one of the following procedures to start the TSS Rest APIs, depending on whether you are running on Windows or UNIX.


On Windows, the REST server runs as a Windows Service. The name of the service is TSS 16 - Rest APIs. The service is started automatically after the application gets installed/upgraded.

If there is an error starting the service, an Event log might be created.

The application creates two log files - one for any errors starting/running the service and another one for writing runtime errors and debug information. Both these logs are located in svr/bin under a directory called daemon. The error file is called tss16restapis.err.log and the log file is called tss16restapis.out.log. These files can be used to diagnose any problems running the REST server or any APIs it supports.

Once the service starts successfully, the user can utilize any of the APIs it supports.


On Unix, the REST server is automatically started when you install/upgrade TSS Repository Server. The REST server will be stopped by the Repository Server installer when you do an upgrade or uninstall the server. The log file is created under Repository Environment logs directory and is called web_server.log. This can be useful if you have problems starting the REST server or running any APIs it supports.

The REST server can also be started or stopped manually by using the following scripts located under metabase/bin directory.

Name Description
svr_start Starts TSS REST API server
svr_stop Stops TSS REST API server