Permanent Joins

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string the name of the Repository


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/joins/permanent

Lists all permanent joins of the corresponding Repository

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/joins/permanent HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list of all permanent joins in the corresponding Repository.

The columns array will contain the list of columns for each data row.

Human Name Column Name Description
Left Entity ID LEFT_ENTITY_ID Left source entity ID
Left Attribute List LEFT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST List of attribute Ids comprising left hand (compound) join
Right Entity ID RIGHT_ENTITY_ID Right source entity ID
Right Attribute List RIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST List of attribute Ids comprising right hand (compound) join
Sequence SEQUENCE A sequence number allowing for multiple joins to be defined between 2 entities
Status _status Whether the join is permananent,discovered, deleted or in a project
Left Entity _left_ename Left hand source entity
Left Expression _left_expr Expression of LH attributes comprising the left hand side of the (compound) join
Right Entity _right_ename Right hand source entity
Right Expression _right_expr Expression of RH attributes comprising the right hand side of the (compound) join
Matching Values COMMON_VALUES The number of distinct joined values
Inner joined rows INNER_PRODUCT The number of rows in the inner join - joining rows only
Outer joined rows _full_outer_product The number of rows in the outer join - joining rows and non-joining rows from both sides
Left Non-Matching Values LEFT_NOT_MATCH_VALUES The number of distinct values on the left-hand side that did not join
Left Non-Matching Rows LEFT_NOT_MATCH_ROWS The number of rows on the left-hand side that did not join
Left outer joined rows _left_outer_product The number of rows in the left outer join - joining rows and non-joining left rows
Right Non-Matching Values RIGHT_NOT_MATCH_VALUES The number of distinct values on the right-hand side that did not join
Right Non-Matching Rows RIGHT_NOT_MATCH_ROWS The number of rows on the right-hand side that did not join
Right outer joined rows _right_outer_product The number of rows in the right outer join - - joining rows and non-joining right rows
Left Loaded Rows _left_loaded_rows Number of rows in the left hand source entity
Left Filter _left_select The filter used to select the rows from the left hand entity
Left Selected Rows _left_rows The number of rows selected by the Left hand filter (or loaded rows if not filtered)
Right Loaded Rows _right_loaded_rows Number of rows in the right hand source entity
Right Filter _right_select The filter used to select the rows from the right hand entity
Right Selected Rows _right_rows The number of rows selected by the right hand filter (or loaded rows if not filtered)
Join Type _join_type Whether the join used original values or a Standardised, Metaphone or Pattern function
Actual Cardinality ACTUAL_CARDINALITY The actual cardinality of the join
Inferred Cardinality INFERRED_CARDINALITY The Inferred Cardinality of the join
Exact Cardinality EXACT_CARDINALITY The ‘exact’ cardinality of the join. This is defined as the ratio Left cardinality : Right Cardinality
Match Best MATCH_BEST The percentage match of the join (best match of Values,LHrows or RHrows)
Match Values MATCH_VALUES % of values that joined
Match LHrows MATCH_LHROWS % of LH rows that joined
Match RHrows MATCH_RHROWS % of RH rows that joined
Left Join Rows LEFT_JOIN_ROWS The number of rows from the left-hand side that joined
Left Join Cardinality LEFT_JOIN_CARDINALITY The cardinality of the joined values from the left-hand side of the join. On average, each joining value occurs this number of times on the LHS
Right Join Rows RIGHT_JOIN_ROWS The number of rows from the right-hand side that joined
Right Join Cardinality RIGHT_JOIN_CARDINALITY The cardinality of the joined values from the right-hand side of the join. On average, each joining value occurs this number of times on the RHS
Join Card One One JOIN_CARD_ONE_ONE Number of joined values with 1:1 cardinality
Join Card One Many JOIN_CARD_ONE_MANY Number of joined values with 1:M cardinality
Join Rows One Many JOIN_ROWS_ONE_MANY Number of joined rows with 1:M cardinality
Join Card Many One JOIN_CARD_MANY_ONE Number of joined values with M:1 cardinality
Join Rows Many One JOIN_ROWS_MANY_ONE Number of joined rows with M:1 cardinality
Join Card Many Many JOIN_CARD_MANY_MANY Number of joined values with M:M cardinality
Join Rows Many Many JOIN_ROWS_MANY_MANY Number of joined rows with M:M cardinality
Analyzed Date _analysed_date When the join was analyzed
Analyzed By ANALYSED_BY Who analyzed the data.
Created By CREATED_BY Who created the join.
Created Date _created_date When the join definition was created
Performed By PERFORMED_BY Who created the join result index.
Performed Date _performed_date When the result join index was created.
Edited By EDITED_BY Who edited the join definition
Edited Date _edited_date Edited Date
Note Count note.COUNT The number of notes for this join
Join Job JOIN_JOB The name of the join wizard job which created the join
Join Job ID JOB_ID The ID of the join wizard job which created the join
Join Index JOIN_INDEX Join Result index name
Join Result Segment __JOIN_RESULT_SEGMENT Whether the result is the natural (inner) join, or an outer (full,left or right) join.
Left No Matching Row Action __DOC_LEFT_NO_MATCH_OPTION Documented left non matching row action, eg. accept,ignore, reject or warning
Right No Matching Row Action __DOC_RIGHT_NO_MATCH_OPTION Documented right non matching row action, eg. accept,ignore, reject or warning
Join key _join_key System Join key

data row will contain the list of permanent joins of the corresponding Repository:

"rows": [
    "dataRow": [
    "2015/03/04 15:46:48",
    "2015/03/04 15:46:49",
    "57 1 58 1 1"
    "metadata": {
        "url": "/api/repositories/alpha/joins/57-1-58-1-1"

If there are no permanent joins in the Repository, rows will be an empty string.



POST /api/repositories/alpha/joins HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "create",
    "data": {
        "jobName": "Create-Join-Input-201611216",
        "createJoinIndex": "1",
        "params": {
            "LH": {
                "entity": "1",
                "attributes": "1 2 4",
                "expression": ""
            "RH": {
                "entity": "10",
                "attributes": "1 2 4",
                "expression": ""
        "scheduleNow": "0",
        "scheduleTime": "2016-11-22 11:40:45"
Response Code Reason
200 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
create Create the permanent joins between entities

The request packet must contain the command and data elements. The following fields must be sent as part of data:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
jobName No restjob Name of the scheduled job
params Yes NA Object containing the entity information for the left (LH) and right (RH) sides of the join
LH Yes NA Object containing the entity information for the left side of the join
RH Yes NA Object containing the entity information for the right side of the join
entity Yes NA The entity ID for that side of the join
attributes Yes NA It should be a list in the following format “attributes”: “<attr list>”
expression No NA It should be a humanised expression
createJoinIndex No 0 Specify if join index needs to be created if there are more than 19446 rows
scheduleNow No NA Yes (1) / No (0)
scheduleTime No NA Required: No (if scheduleNow is 1) / Yes (if scheduleNow is 0)

If scheduleNow is 0 and scheduleTime is not provided, the job will run immediately.

scheduleNow field can be formatted as follows:

Value Description
1 Schedule the job immediately
0 Schedule the job at a given date and time (requires scheduleTime field)

scheduleTime field can be formatted as follows:

Value Example
YYYY-Month-DD HH:MM:SS 2016-JANUARY-01 10:30:45
YYYY/Month/DD HH:MM:SS 2016/JANUARY/01 10:30:45
YYYY-Mon-DD HH:MM:SS 2016-JAN-01 10:30:45
YYYY/Mon/DD HH:MM:SS 2016/JAN/01 10:30:45
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 2016-01-01 10:30:45
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS 2016/01/01 10:30:45

If the command is successful, the response will return the url link to a scheduled job as follows:

  "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/1"


POST /api/repositories/alpha/joins HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "edit",
    "data": {
        "joinKeys":["1 {8 4} 1 {3 13} 1", "1 {8 4} 25 {9 5} 1"],
Response Code Reason
204 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
edit Edit the status of the join to discovered or permanent

The request packet must contain the command and data elements. The following fields must be sent as part of data:

Field Purpose
joinKeys A list of join keys. The value of individual keys should be similar to the ‘Join key’ columns returned from Joins
status Either “Permanent” or “Discovered” (case sensitive)


DELETE /api/repositories/(string: repository)/joins

Delete the joins

DELETE /api/repositories/alpha/joins HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "delete",
    "data": {
        "joinKeys":["1 {8 4} 1 {3 13} 1", "1 {8 4} 25 {9 5} 1"]
Response Code Reason
204 Success
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request requires a Standard Request packet. Available commands are:

Command Description
delete Delete the joins

The request packet must contain the command and data elements. The following fields must be sent as part of data:

Field Purpose
joinKeys A list of join keys. The value of individual keys should be similar to the ‘Join key’ columns returned from Joins