Library Entity Attribute

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string The Repository name
library int The library ID
attribute int The attribute ID


DELETE /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities/(int: libraryID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)

Deletes an attribute in the library.

Response Code Reason
204 Success
403 Forbidden - Attribute is in use. Cannot delete
500 Server error


POST /api/repositories/(string: repository)/library/entities/(int: libraryID)/attributes/(int: attributeID)

Edits an attribute in the library. You may delete the attribute description by setting the description parameter to an empty string. However, you may not delete the attribute name, so if you set the name parameter to an empty string no change will be made to the attribute name.

JSON Parameters:
  • body – The request body

The request requires a Standard Request packet.

POST /api/repositories/test/library/entities/1/attributes
    "command": "edit",
    "data": {
        "name": "newattrname",
        "description": "a new description"
Response Code Reason
204 Success
403 Forbidden - Attribute is in use. Cannot edit
500 Server error