Loader Connections of a repository

Parameter Type Purpose
repository string the name of the Repository


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/loaderconnections

Lists loader connections of the corresponding Repository

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/loaderconnections HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 No error
500 Server error

The response will be a Standard Response, with a list of loader connections in the corresponding Repository.

Please note that Loader Connection response has been changed as follows:

  • Type column now returns ‘fixed-length’ instead of ‘trillium’ for fixed-length connections
  • Enabled and Single Sign-On columns now returns Yes/No instead of 1/0
  • Repository Access returns ‘None’ instead of blank when no repository access has been restricted
  • Note Count column updated to return 0 when no notes are available
  • Added missing columns Created By, Created Date, Edited By, Edited Date and Note Count

The columns array will contain the list of columns for each data row.

Human Name Column Name Description
Connection Id CONNECTION Unique identifier of the connection
Name NAME The name of the connection
Type _type The connection type
Description DESCRIPTION A description of the connection
Parameters PARAMETERS The connection parameters
Filter _defaults The default source filter
Repository Access _access Repositories with access to this loader connection
Single Sign-On _sso Is Single Sign-On used for this connection?
Enabled _enabled Available for new connections
Created By CREATED_BY User that created the connection
Created Date _created_date When the connection was created
Edited By EDITED_BY User that last edited the connection
Edited Date _edited_date When the connection was edited
Note Count _note_count Number of notes

data row will contain the list of loader connections of the corresponding Repository:

    "rows": [
            "dataRow": [
                "Default TSQ file connection",
                "SCHEMA_DIRECTORY {C:/ProgramData/Trillium Software/MBSW/16/Data/import/schemas} DATA_DIRECTORY {C:/ProgramData/Trillium Software/MBSW/16/Data/import/data} SCHEMA_EXTENSIONS ddx DATA_EXTENSIONS dat",
                "2017/03/14 16:13:23",
            "metadata": {
                "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/loaderconnections/1"

metadata contains the url to drill down to each row.

If there are no loader connections in the Repository, rows will be an empty string.