
Parameter Type Purpose
repository string The name of the Repository to access


GET /api/repositories/(string: repository)/scheduler

Get a list of jobs. If you require a subset of this data (filtering, sorting, or columns), POST to this url with the standard request body.

GET /api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Response Code Reason
200 Success
500 Server error

The response is a Standard Response

The columns arrays contains the columns in the scheduler view.

Humanised Name Column Name Description
Ref job_id The unique identifier for the activity
Activity Name job_name The user-defined name for relating activities together
Type job_type The type of activity
Repository job_metabase The repository to which the activity relates
Entity job_entity_id The entity or entities to which the activity relates
Scheduled job_scheduled_time The time the activity is scheduled to start
State job_status The current status of the activity
Completed job_progress The percentage completed for the activity
Progress job_message_mc The current progress for the activity
Reason job_reason The failure message for the activity
Started job_start_time The time the activity started
Ended job_end_time The time the activity ended
Duration job_duration The overall duration of the activity
Created By job_create_user The user who created the activity
Created job_create_time The time the activity was created

The rows array contains the data for each Job; the metadata for each row contains the URL for the Job.

    "rows": [
            "dataRow": [
                "Full Business Rule analysis",
                "Business Rule Analysis",
                "Processed business rules",
                "2014/10/31 15:39:21",
                "2014/10/31 15:39:24",
                "0 Days, 00:00:03",
                "2014/10/31 15:39:21"
            "metadata": {
                "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/5"

A job normally relates to a single entity, but may relate to two entities (for joins), or may not relate to any specific entity (join project). Therefore, Entity is returned as an array of zero, one or two items. An example showing two entities is given below.

    "rows": [
            "dataRow": [
                "Execute Join (4 1 5 1 1)",
                "Execute Join",
                "Joins executed.",
                "2014/10/31 16:44:36",
                "2014/10/31 16:44:41",
                "0 Days, 00:00:05",
                "2014/10/31 16:44:36"
            "metadata": {
                "url": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/8"

.. _sch_export:


Some or all of the rows may be exported as a scheduled task.

POST /api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "export",
    "data": {
        "filename": "filename.csv",
        "filetype": "csv",
        "encoding": "utf-8"
    "options": {
        "columns": ["job_id", "job_type", "job_status"],
        "where": "Ref = 24"
Response Code Reason
200 No error
400 Invalid data passed with request
500 Server error

The request packet must contain the command and data elements. The options element is not required, but may specify the columns to export, and/or the rows to filter.

The following table shows which fields are required in the data element:

Field Required
filename Y
filetype N
encoding N

If filetype is not specified, it defaults to csv. If encoding is not specified, it defaults to the server native encoding.

The response will contain the URL of the scheduled task and the link to download the exported file.

    "job": "/api/repositories/jupiter/scheduler/1",
    "file": "/api/repositories/jupiter/download/filename.csv"