Functionality Options

Use the Functionality Options section to specify what functionality should be included.

Setting Description
Enable Sign In Shows or Hides Sign In button from specific map configuration.
Note: Users can still login to secured Map Configs if they directly hit the URL as they will be redirected to the Login Page.
Enable User to add Spectrum Spatial Layers Enables the user to add Spectrum Spatial Layers in Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
Enable Map Project Switcher Enables the Map Project Switcher in Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
Enable Save Map Project Enables the Save Map Project feature in Spectrum Spatial Analyst application for non-admin user.
Enable End User Thematics Enables end user thematics on Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
Enable Annotations Tools Enables Annotation tools options in Spectrum Spatial Analyst application.
Enable Measuring Tools Enables Measuring tools options in Spectrum Spatial Analyst application.
Enable Annotations KML Import/Export Enables user to import and export KML files through annotation manager on connect.
Enable Summarize Data in Annotations Select to enable Summarize Data in Annotation feature on connect application.
Enable User to add local files (csv, xls, geojson, kml) Enable the user to add local files (like- csv, xls, geojson, kml) in Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
Enable Travel Boundary Click to enable or disable enable/disable drive time polygon annotation in the Spectrum Spatial Analyst application.
Travel Boundary Configuration Select the available ERM configurations from the drop down list to be displayed on Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
Enable Editing in Tables Allows you to enable editing preferences for tables present in map configuration. It has following options:

Attribute Update Only- When selected, a user can only edit attribute data. The user cannot edit the geometry and cannot insert or delete records. They will need MODIFY permission on the table to perform attribute edits
Editing Enabled- When selected, a user can edit the attribute data and/or the geometry and they can also insert or delete records. Whether they are able to perform these is determined by the CREATE, MODIFY and DELETE permissions assigned on each table.
Editing Disabled- When selected, a user cannot edit any data  regardless of whether the logged in user has Spectrum permissions to edit some of the tables in that map configuration. It is a default option.

Note: This option is available for Spectrum Spatial Analyst mobile ready user interface only.