Installing Spectrum Spatial Analyst through Wizard

To install Spectrum Spatial Analyst, follow the steps given below:

  1. Download Spectrum Spatial Analyst using the download instructions contained in your welcome email.
  2. Extract the downloaded file to a temporary location on the server where you want to install Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
  3. Double-click the file setup.exe.
    The Spectrum Spatial Analyst- InstallShield Wizard appears.
  4. Select the language for the installation from the drop-down list and click OK.

    The Spectrum Spatial Analyst- InstallShield Wizard appears and walks you through the installation process.

    Figure 1. Spectrum Spatial Analyst- InstallShield Wizard
  5. Click Next.
    The License Agreement dialog box appears.
    Figure 2. Spectrum Spatial Analyst - License Agreement

  6. Please read the License Agreement carefully and click Next
    The System Configuration - JAVA 11 JDK Folder dialog box appears.
    Figure 3. System Configuration - JAVA 11 JDK Folder

  7. Click Change button to select a different directory or click Next to install to this default folder.
    The Destination Folder dialog box appears.
  8. Select a directory and click OK button to install or click Next to install to this default folder.
    The Destination Folder dialog box appears to install the Spectrum Spatial Analyst application.
    Figure 4. Spectrum Spatial Analyst - Destination Folder

  9. Click Change button to select a different directory or click Next to install to this default folder.
    The Spectrum Spatial Analyst Access Mode dialog box appears.
    Figure 5. Spectrum Spatial Analyst Access Mode

  10. Choose whether you wish to enable Guest&Secured or Secured Only access for Spectrum Spatial Analyst application.
    1. Guest&Secured- In Guest&Secured mode Analyst will use the credentials of the guest user that you have provided in Guest User name and Guest Password text boxes. It will allow anyone to see data which that user’s role can read without logging in. You need to create this role in Spectrum as AnalystGuestRole by using Spectrum Management Console.
    2. Secured Only- Secured Only mode requires log-in. Secured users can subsequently click sign-in to see secured data.
    Note: You can enable Guest User manually after Analyst is installed. For more information, refer to Spectrum Spatial Guide.
  11. If you choose Guest&Secured mode then enter the Guest user name and Password for guest user.
    Note: For details on how guest access works and how to add this user to Spectrum and Analyst manually, refer to Spectrum Spatial Guide.
  12. Click Next.
    The Spectrum Spatial Server Information dialog box appears.
    Figure 6. Spectrum Spatial Server Information

    Note: The URL, User name and Password displayed in the above image is for reference purpose only. Please contact your administrator for log-in credentials.
  13. Specify the endpoint URL for Spectrum Spatial Server.
  14. Click Test Connection to ensure that the server is accessible. The installer will attempt to read the WSDL for the Spatial Mapping Service.
  15. Specify the User Name and Password in the text box.
  16. Click Next.
    The System Configuration dialog box appears.
    Figure 7. System Configuration

  17. Specify the Port configuration and Max memory settings. The default values for Analyst Locate and Analyst Connect are provided.
    Note: Please ensure that the chosen connector ports above are not used on your server prior to installation. Also note that the Analyst installer will use 3 additional ports for the Tomcat shutdown, Redirect and AJP ports. The Shutdown port will always be the chosen port plus 1 for shutdown, plus 2 for Redirect and plus 3 for AJP (hence in the case of 8010, all 4 ports 8010, 8011, 8012 and 8013 are used).

    You can edit Max Memory settings later by navigating to the Tomcat installation folder from command prompt and running the following command:


    Where <service_name> can be any one of the following:
    • AnalystConnect

    • AnalystLocate

  18. Click Next.
    The Ready to Install the Spectrum Spatial Analyst dialog box appears.
    Figure 8. Ready to Install the Spectrum Spatial Analyst

  19. Click Install to begin the installation.
    The Installing Spectrum Spatial Analyst dialog box appears.
    Figure 9. Installing Spectrum Spatial Analyst

    The installer installs Tomcat (Tomcat 9.x) for Analyst and Index search. Both will be installed on the same machine. The ports can be configured during installation process (Step 13 above). The tomcats will be deployed as Windows services in Windows which can be started and stopped in Administrative Tools – Services.

  20. Click Finish to exit the Spectrum Spatial Analyst - InstallShield Wizard.
    Figure 10. Installation Completed

    The log file created during installation is placed here:


    Congratulations! The Spectrum Spatial Analyst is installed in your machine and is ready to use.