Monitoring (System Alerts Dismiss) API

The Monitoring (System alerts dismiss) API is allows to Dismiss/Delete the notification or alert for a given notification ID. This API uses POST method to Dismiss/Delete the notification.

Request and Response

To dismiss a given notification of alert, the structure of Request and Response will be as follows:

Request Data Contract

User needs to hit the URL with NotificationId in order to dismiss any Alert/Notification:

<Prefix URL>/api/v1/Monitoring/SystemAlerts/Dismiss?NotificationId=78b5a531-973e-44e9-bfaa-678d334a3339

Response Data Contract

Response will be returned in following format:

For a successful Dismiss of notification the response will be as follows:

Successful Dismiss of Notification


For an error, for example providing an invalid notification ID, error data is returned to the user:


        "ErrorCode": "Invalid_Notification",
        "Message": "Invalid Notification",
        "errorPrameters": null