Rest APIs

Rest APIs allow Composer Solution integration with other systems using HTTP REST API (i.e. HTTP protocol to access data, which is normally called REST API). Only the REST APIs that support JSON content type (i.e. API with Content-type Header to application / json and Accept to application / json)are supported, any other content type like xml, binary, x-www-form-urlencoded etc are not supported.

Composer author will be able to create a new Data Connection of type REST API and like any other data connection, this data connection can be created at Solution scope or in Connection library at App scope or Global scope. Also REST API data connection can be used with other features like Query control, Lookup control, Webservice control, Participant resolver etc.

Note: There are no License specific requirements to use REST APIs. It can be simply used by creating a Data Connection of type “Rest API”.


Credentials for an API connection can be added either while Creating API Data Connection i.e. by enabling the toggle labeled as Enable System Creds or by navigating to Data Source Credentials.

  • Enable System Credentials: Enable this toggle button, to use the credentials provided here, for Authentication. Also, if user level credentials are added along with the System credentials, then System Credentials have more precedence than User level credentials. When Enabled - user must enter credentials while creating Data Source Connection at this page (username and password will be shown). When Disabled - user must enter credentials on the Data Source Credentials page (username and password will be hidden).

  • User Level Credentials: Added at user level by navigating to the top right corner of Evolve, and Clicking on User’s name and then selecting Data Source Credentials.User will be able to add credentials for Rest API connection having Authentication Type as Basic ,Sap Hana Basic or Salesforce and Enable System Creds toggle is disabled.

For accessing any API, Route Prefix would be required which is a combination of Evolve url and specific keywords for example <Evolve URL>/svr.

Data Source Credentials


On Selecting Add , user should be able to credentials for Rest API Data connection with Authentication Type Basic ,Sap Hana Basic or Salesforce and Enable System Creds is OFF.


On selecting edit connection , user should be able to Edit the credentials using Edit Option


On selecting added connection , user should be able to Delete the credentials using Delete Option.

Evolve APIs in REST format, exposed to be leveraged

The below APIs are secured with API Gateway and its supported authentication mechanism.

For three security options under API Gateway, there are following route prefixes that need be used to hit the API:

Client Secret : “<Evolve URL>/svr”

Secure Token : “<Evolve URL>/svr”

Certificate : “<Evolve URL>/svrc”

API Name HTTP Method Route Description
Reference Data GET

<Route Prefix>/api/v1/ReferenceData?AppName=<AppName>&LibraryName=<LibraryName>&SolutionName=<RefSolutionName>

This API is used to Access Data of Reference Data Solutions.

Limited OData Filter is also supported by this API.

Solution Data GET <Route Prefix>/api/v1/SolutionDataSet?AppName=<AppName>&SolutionDataName=<SolutionName>

This API is used to Access Solution data.

Limited OData Filter is also supported by this API.

Monitoring(System Alerts) GET <Route Prefix>/api/v1/Monitoring/SystemAlerts/?NotificationId=<Notification Id> This API returns Evolve system alerts if any as shown in Administration dashboard “System Alert” section.
Monitoring(System Alerts Dismiss) POST <Route Prefix>/api/v1/Monitoring/SystemAlerts/Dismiss?NotificationId=<Notification Id> This API is used to Dismiss/Delete the notification for given notification ID.