Monitoring API(SystemAlerts)

The Monitoring API(System Alerts) returns Evolve system alerts (if any) shown in Administration dashboard System Alert section. This API uses GET method to return system alerts.

Request and Response body

For returning Evolve system alerts (if any) shown in Administration dashboard System Alert section, the structure of Request and response will be as follows:

Request Data Contract:

The Monitoring API(System Alerts) does not need a request body. User needs to hit the URL for fetching the list of Notifications:

<Prefix URL>/api/v1/Monitoring/SystemAlerts

Response Data Contract:

Response will be returned in following format:

Name Type Description
CreatedDate Date UTC date value of notification created date in ISO format.
EnumNotificationScope Integer Should be ignored by the user.
IsMessageLocalized Bit Should be ignored by the user.
Message String

Message values are:

  1. Queue_Error : An issue with MSMQ queue.

  2. No_Reporting_Worker : No worker with reporting capability found to run reports.

  3. Machine_Down : Machine (Either Evolve or Worker setup) is down or not responding.

  4. Optimize_Index : Evolve DB index optimization required.

NotificationCategory Integer It has value 1 always (System Alert)
NotificationId GUID Unique GUID value of this notification.
NotificationScope Integer

Value as per the scope of Notification.

0 - Global.

1- App.

NotificationState Integer Should be ignored by the user.
NotificationType Integer It has value 2 always (i.e. System Warning).
TeamspaceId GUID App GUID value (if notification is for a specific app i.e. when NotificationScope is 1 else empty GUID is returned).
UserId GUID User GUID value if alert is specific to a Evolve User else Empty GUID .
messageParameters JSON JSON value with more details about message.

Request and Response sample:

Following sample illustrates the use of API:


        "NotificationId": "4378ec0b-5365-4535-ab32-e104dd92f080",
        "NotificationType": 2,
        "Message": "Machine_Down",
        "NotificationCategory": 1,
        "UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "EnumNotificationScope": 0,
        "TeamspaceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "CreatedDate": "2021-06-20T10:56:23.803",
        "NotificationScope": 0,
        "NotificationState": 0,
        "IsMessageLocalized": false,
        "messageParameters": "[{\"id\":0,\"ParameterValue\":\"CHA-EN-VST679\"}]"
        "NotificationId": "c6ae12c0-4e5c-4a1a-938b-fe120693932e",
        "NotificationType": 2,
        "Message": "Queue_Error",
        "NotificationCategory": 1,
        "UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "EnumNotificationScope": 0,
        "TeamspaceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "CreatedDate": "2021-07-12T10:37:12.273",
        "NotificationScope": 0,
        "NotificationState": 0,
        "IsMessageLocalized": false,
        "messageParameters": "[{\"id\":0,\"ParameterValue\":\"Host : CHA-EN-VST679 Queue : AutoRunFile\"}]"
        "NotificationId": "938f852d-e113-487e-aad3-87f45d28dc68",
        "NotificationType": 2,
        "Message": "Queue_Error",
        "NotificationCategory": 1,
        "UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "EnumNotificationScope": 0,
        "TeamspaceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "CreatedDate": "2021-07-12T10:56:45.313",
        "NotificationScope": 0,
        "NotificationState": 0,
        "IsMessageLocalized": false,
        "messageParameters": "[{\"id\":0,\"ParameterValue\":\"Host : CHA-PLP41326 Queue : Reporting\"}]"