Repeating Table Element Properties

A repeating table contains other controls in a table format. Users can insert multiple rows when filling out the form.

For example, if you have a purchase request form, you may only need to display a single table row (Item description, quantity, price, sub-total) on the form, but you'll probably want your users to be able to add additional rows as they fill out the form.Nested Repeating Table is not supported with Query and Lookup control

  • You can also 'nest' repeating tables within one another by dragging a Repeating Table Element onto an existing Repeating Table, and then specifying the number of columns for the nested table, and the number of columns for the nested table to span (the width/size for the nested table within the parent table).

  • Nested Repeating Table is not supported with Query and Lookup control.

When working with Repeating elements of any type (i.e., Repeating Groups and/or Repeating Tables) within a Web Service or elsewhere, ensure the following:

  • Any field within a Repeating Content folder within the Form Data tree is also in the form within a repeating container.

  • All non-repeating fields in the Form Data tree are non-repeating in the form.

Departing from these guidelines may result in unintended behavior while working with repeating elements when running a Web Service.

Querying a SQL data source: Case matters

If you are querying a SQL data source and then want to insert results into a selectable or repeating table, make sure that your query text matches the case of the SQL columns.

For example, if a column in the SQL database is COLUMN_1, then the Query will not work if it is querying column_1.

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General Settings


The table ID in the form.

Read Only

Sets the group to read only (true) or not read only (false).

Columns Span

The number of columns the table will span. Default value is 1.

Show Header

Set to true to show the header for the column. Default value is True.

New Item Location

The location of the (+) Add new item button. Default value is “Top Right.”

Enable Search

Shows or hides a search box for searching or filtering information in a table. Default value is False.

  • True: Shows a Search box for the form user to enter search/filter criteria.

  • False: Hides the Search box.

Enable Sort

Shows or hides sorting arrows for the fields in a table. Default value is False.

  • True: Shows sorting arrows for the fields in a table to enable users to quickly sort data.

  • False: Hides sorting arrows.

Enable Excel Operations

When set to True, this displays available Excel operations to the form user (Export and Upload to Excel) so data can be uploaded to the form from an Excel file present on user's local PC. Default value is False.

  • Export outputs the contents of a repeating table or group to an Excel file.

  • Upload uploads the data into an Excel file.

Excel Upload Operations

Will be visible only when Enable Excel Operations is set to True. Displays the following available upload options (as radio button selectors) for the form user at run-time:

  • Replace: This will replace the entire contents of the table or group.

  • Update: This will update each row/field while preserving any additional rows already within the table or group.

  • Append: This will preserve all existing rows and append the new content to the end of the table or group.

Enable Validation Results

Displays a Validation link to the user. Clicking Validation will display the number of validation errors found in the Repeating Table/Group. This is typically used with the Paginate Content (see below) property to find validation errors in large tables. Default value is False.

Default Row Count

The number of empty rows created in the table by default when the form is loaded.

Row count

Lets you specify the number of rows while paginating content. Works only when Paginate content is set to true. Default value is 10

Paginate content

Set to False, content in the table will be displayed in a single page. Set to True, content will be paginated according to the Row Count setting. Default value is False.

Row Number Field

Select a field to use as the row number for the table.

Row Details

Provides on-demand access to table content. The content will be hidden until the Show Details context menu option is selected, at which time a dialog will appear with all the content of the “Row Details” property.

This property contains all the labels and fields that will be displayed (read only) at run-time with the Show Details menu option. This can be useful for providing secondary information, reducing the amount of table data when the form loads, and improving the overall layout and performance of the form.

Row Options Icon

Where to place the row options icon in a row in a selectable table (see below).

Propagate Changes to all Views

When you change style or properties for common labels in a form with multiple views, you will be prompted by a dialog box asking if you want to apply the changes to all views. You can propagate such changes automatically by setting the Element Property Propagate Changes to All Views to True. This automatically propagates style or property changes to all applicable views without prompting.

Group Styles

Border Width

The width of the border around the group. Possible values are None, Thin, Thick, Thicker, and Thickest. Default value is None.

Border Style

The style of the border. Possible values are None, Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Double, Groove, Ridge, Inset and Outset. Default value is None.

Border Color

The color of the border.

Table Width

The width (in pixels) for the table. The default value (0) enables to the table to dynamically resize with the browser (responsive design).

Advanced Settings

Key Column for Merging

This drop-down will contain a list of all fields contained in the Repeating Table/Group. Setting this 'key' will cause the form to perform a merge each time the table data gets updated, but only fields that are actually changed by the user are updated.

The value of the key should be the name of one of the table columns . Each row must have a unique key value. The key value indicates which column contains the key (for example, my:partnumber).

Repeating Table Limitations

The following are some limitations for a repeating table.

  • Search feature is disabled for nested repeating tables.

  • Sort feature is disabled for nested repeating tables.

  • Nesting of repeating table is supported only for one level. For example, a repeating table can contain only one repeating table inside it. Any further nesting is not supported.

  • Export to Excel feature is enabled only for the parent repeating table. Export to Excel feature is disabled for child nested tables.

  • Cascading drop-down with Data from Data-Connections. Adding a new item in the repeating table changes the value of second drop-down to blank.

  • Translations do not work for column headers for responsive view when a repeating table inside repeating group is used.