Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Form Monitor plugin properties

The Form Monitor plugin allows you to automatically launch a new form with a designated process when a certain start date is reached.

NOTE: The workflow that will be launched with the Form Monitor plugin must accommodate the automated creation of the form and its accompanying process. Only the Originator Swim Lane in the workflow will be assigned when the process is launched. All other assignments can be configured to be automatically assigned or selected in some other manner.

Value Pair




The name of the form field that contains the user login name of the form owner. The user login name will be used to assign the Originator Swim Lane in the designated process.

NOTE: This form field must be published as a SharePoint column prior to using the Form Monitor plugin. The user information referenced in this field is captured in the initial routing of the form. Since the form will be automatically routed when the start date is encountered, the owner cannot be selected when the form is launched by the plugin.

Make sure that your form accommodates this requirement by capturing the necessary information when it is initially routed for approval.



The name of the process you want to launch when the start date is met.

NOTE: This process must be published prior to using the Form Monitor plugin.



The form field or expression used to set the date to automatically route the form.

NOTE: You can use a single date field in the form, that has been exported as a SharePoint column. For example, use [startForm] to set the start date or an expression (such as date(today(),365) or a combination of both (such as date(today()+[nextReview]) ).


Swim Lane

The Swim Lane to assign when launching form monitor.



The name of the Sharepoint Column into which to put the ID of newly created SVservice entry.



  • owner – [formOwner]
  • processname – yearlyReview
  • startdate – [startDate]

This example copies and creates a new form running the process yearlyReview against the newly copied form. It will start on the date contained in the startDate field and the Originator will be designated as the person in the formOwner field.