Winshuttle Composer Plug-ins Reference Guide

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Plugins are nodes within a workflow that are used to automate a variety of tasks within the workflow. For example, you can use plugins to do things such as:

  • Automatically send email notifications.
  • Update columns in a SharePoint list.
  • Copy files to a local directory or shared network folder.
  • Copy files attached to forms to a SharePoint document library or other file system.

In addition, you can perform more advanced operations such as:

  • Execute a Powershell scripts to perform specific operations
  • Launch a secondary child form from a parent form when the user clicks a button in the parent form.
  • Update a SQL database with data, such as how many times a form was submitted, how many users have used a form, or the Start and End dates for a process.

Adding a Plugin to a Composer workflow

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  1. On the Workflow Tab, click Plug-in Action.
  2. Click and draw the Plug-in Action in your Workflow. Winshuttle Composer Plugin Action
  3. Click the Plugin Action node.
    Adding a Plugin to Winshuttle Composer
  4. In the Properties Pane, click the Plug-in Name dropdown, and select the desired Plug-in from the list. See below for a list of plugins and description for each.
  5. Configure the plugin paramaters. See below for a list of plugins and description for each.

Working with Composer plugins (video)

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List and description of Composer plugins

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Click a plugin name for more information, settings, and usage examples.

Plugin Description
Add Attachment Attach a document automatically at a given point in a Workflow.
Autorun (Autopost) Automatically post data through Composer instead of posting through Winshuttle Foundation built-in workflow.
Clone Files Clone a file in a SharePoint Document Library copy it to a specified destination.
Copy Attachments Copies 1 or more attachments from an Attachment Form Element in a form and places the copied file(s) into a SharePoint Document Library or a file system (i.e. local computer or a network folder, for example).
Copy Attachment URL Copy the URL of an attachment in an Attachment Form Element and place it into a SharePoint List or Document Library.
Copy Document Create a copy of a document and place it in a SharePoint document library or a file system directory.
Copy Form Copy a specified Form View as a Read Only copy and place it in a File System Directory or a SharePoint Document Library/List.
Copy Referenced Documents Copy one or more documents from one SharePoint library to another SharePoint library or folder.
Create Folder Create a folder in a SharePoint document library.
Create SharePoint Site Create a new SharePoint site at the specified URL using the specified template.
Deferred Column Update Set values in a form field or SharePoint list column. Values will be placed in a queue for processing.
Deferred Copy Document Create a copy of a document and place it in a processing queue, from which it will be placed in either a SharePoint document library or a file system directory.
Deferred Set Form Data Set a value in a form field through an asynchronous processing queue.
Deferred Update Due Date Updates due dates for a running process or assignments within a process.
Delete Attachments Delete an attachment from the Attachment Form Element in a form.
Delete Item Deletes the item against which a process is running.
Delete SharePoint Site Removes a specified SharePoint site.
Document Process Launch Launches a process for all documents present in the folder.
Excel Workflow Set Permission The Excel Workflow Set Permission Plug-in enables you to set read-only permissions for the users or groups associated with the Data File and/or Supporting Documents in the custom workflow.
Execute Command Line Run a command line within a workflow.
Execute Powershell Run a Powershell command or script within a workflow.
Export Form Data to ODBC Export form data to a database that supports ODBC.
Export Form Data to OLEDB Export form data to a database that supports OLEDB.
Export Process State Export the current status of a workflow to a column in a SharePoint list.
Export Repeating Group Export the values in a repeating table or section to a SharePoint list.
Export Repeating Group to File Export the values in a repeating table or section to a file.
Form Monitor Automatically launch a new form with a designated process when a certain start date is reached.
Form Process Launch Launch a separate form and corresponding process during the workflow.
Launch Form Pass data from a running form process to a new form process and swimlane participants.
ODBC Query Create, update, and/or delete database records in a SQL database.
OLEDB Query Create, update, and/or delete database records in a database.
Process Form Data Extract form data from SharePoint and write it to a file or insert part or all of the data into a database.
Remove Item Permissions Remove custom permissions on an item, but only from items that have unique role assignments.
Rename Document Rename a document that is being routed for approval, or an existing document in a SharePoint document library.
Rename Process Change the name of a process from its default <process name> - <Date> format.
Replace Strings Search and replace strings in a document, and then write the document back to a SharePoint document library or file system location.
Send Email Send an email at a specified point within a workflow.
Set Column Set values in one or more SharePoint list columns.
Set Column with Process Inheritance Set values in a SharePoint list column for a running process.
Set Form Data Set a value in a form field at a particular point in the process.
Set Item Permissions Sets the SharePoint item-level permissions for the current item being routed or another specified item.
Set Item Permission Inheritance Specify whether an item inherits permission settings from its parent.
Set Referred SharePoint Items Column Set the given value on a given sharepoint column.
Set SharePoint Column Set field values in a SharePoint list based on the current value of a form field.
Start Process Launch a process during the execution of a workflow.
Update Due Date Update the due dates of a running process or assignments within the process.
Update Service Update the start date of a given SVService entry to the specified date.
Update SharePoint List Insert, update, and/or delete items in a SharePoint list.
Update SharePoint List via Web Service Updates a SharePoint list via the SharePoint Web Service. Can be used to update a SharePoint list on a different server
Upload Document Copies a file from the file system to a SharePoint document library.
Wait Wait for a specified period of time from the current time or until a specific, absolute date.
Wait for Child Processes Pauses a process until all child processes are complete.
Web Service Integrate a Web service into a workflow.
Winshuttle Update Add a Winshuttle Web service to a workflow to run SAP data operations within the workflow.
XSL Transformation Run an Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) style sheet on XML and store the results in a file on the file system.