Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Rename Document plugin properties

The Rename Document plugin is used to rename a document that is being uploaded and routed for approval or an existing document in a SharePoint document library.

Value Pair



The URL to the file you want to rename. Use this option only if you are renaming an existing file in a SharePoint document library.


The new name you want to use for the document.

Example 1

  • name – [FileBaseName].[File Type]

This example renames a document that is being uploaded for approval in a DocEx site. The FileBaseName property is derived from a column value that is generated from Composer's Name Template feature, which generates a base name for the document.

Example 2

  • fileurl– http://srv10359/ctrldoc/approved/[FileBaseName].doc
  • name – [FileBaseName]_R[Revision].doc

Ths example renames an existing file located in a SharePoint document library. The FileBaseName property is derived from a column value that is generated from Composer's Name Template feature, which generates a base name for the document. The Revision property is also derived from a column value that is generated from the Name Template feature, which generates a new revision number for the document.