Applies to:
- Winshuttle Foundation
Migrating Composer solutions through environments
Composer solution migration
Throughout development of your Winshuttle Solution, you may need to migrate a solution from a development environment to another environment (QA or production, for example). This section covers migrating solutions created in Winshuttle Composer in a Winshuttle Workflow 10.7 (or later) environment.
Note: If you need help importing a basic workflow or Transaction/Query scripts from a Designer solution into a Composer solution, please see Importing from Designer.
For example: If your Composer form uses a data connection to a SharePoint List to obtain values used in the form, once the form is moved from the development environment to another environment the data connections will break in the new environment because the connection string(s) is not updated and the list does not exist (as far as the new environment is concerned).
Before you can migrate a solution, you must first properly prepare your destination environment to match what you have created for your form/solution.
Migrating a Winshuttle Composer Solution
Winshuttle Composer solutions can include many different parts, all of which are packaged into a single solution file with a .wsslnc file extension. Solution parts can include any/all of the following:
Composer deployment profiles enable you to publish everything with a single click, provided all of the solution's dependencies (data connections, for example) exist and are also in the destination environment. You can create as many Deployment Profiles as you need, but only one of those profiles can be active when you publish the solution.
- Default
- Development
- Staging
- Production.