Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Adding a SQL Server data connection to Winshuttle Composer

The data connection (the table name) appears in the solution tree panel, under Data Connections.

  1. On the ribbon, click the SolutionTab, and then click Add Data Connection.
  2. Under Name, type a descriptive name for the connection. (If you don’t specify a name, the name will be based upon the table selected from the data source.)
  3. Under Type, click the drop arrow and select the type of database–in this case, Database (SQLServer).
  4. In the Server Field, type the name of the server where the database resides.
  5. You will be prompted for login credentials. At the prompt, under Authentication Type, click the drop arrow and select the authentication type (SQL Server authentication or Windows authentication).
  6. Note: When using Windows Authentication, the SharePoint Application Pool Identity must have read permissions for the database being accessed by the data connection.

  7. Type the username and password, and then click OK.
  8. Once the connection is complete, under Database, click the drop arrow and select the database.
  9. Under Table, click the drop arrow and select the table that you want to access.
  10. Under Columns, check the boxes for the column(s) you want to access.
  11. Click OK.