Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Repeating Group

A Repeating Group is a group that contains repeating elements.  Repeating Groups can also be "nested" (Repeating Group within a Repeating Groups) to support structured data." For example, controls such as repeating tables are bound to repeating groups.

Make sure of the following when working with repeating groups or repeating tables

When working with Repeatingelements of any type (i.e. Repeating Groups and/or Repeating Tables) within a Web Service (or elsewhere), make sure of the following: 

  • Any field within a Repeating Content folder within the Form Data tree is also in the form within a repeating container.
  • All non-repeating fields in the Form Data tree are non-repeating in the form.

Failure to follow the above guidelines may result in unintended behavior while working with repeating elements when running a Web Service.

Repeating Group element properties

Name: The (internal) name for the repeating group.

Read-only: Sets the group to read only (true) or not read only (false).

Columns: The number of columns in the group.

New Item Location: The location of the (+) Add new item

Enable Excel Operations: When set to True, this displays available Excel operations to the form user (Export and Upload to Excel) so data can be uploaded to an Excel file on the form user's local PC.

  • Export outputs the contents of a repeating table or group to an Excel file.
  • Upload uploads the data into an Excel file.

Excel Upload Operations: Displays the following available upload options (as radio button selectors) for the form user at run-time:

  • Replace: This will replace the entire contents of the table or group.
  • Update: This will update each row/field while preserving any additional rows already within the table or group.
  • Append: This will preserve all existing rows and append the new content to the end of the table or group.

Enable Validation Results: Displays a Validation link to the user. Clicking Validation will display the number of validation errors found in the Repeating Table/Group. This is typically used with the Paginate Content (see below) property to find validation errors in large tables.

Column Span: The number of columns the group will span.

Paginate content: Set to True, content in the table will be displayed in a single page. Set to False, content will be paginated according to the Row Count setting.

Row count: Lets you specify the number of rows before paginating content.

Group Styles

  • Border Width: The width in pixels of the border around the group.
  • Border Style: The style of the border--dashed, dotted, solid, etc.
  • Border Color: The color of the border.
  • Background Color (Even Rows): The background color for the even rows.
  • Background Color (Odd Rows): The background color for the odd rows.

Advanced Options

  • Key Column for Merging: This dropdown will contain a list of all fields contained in the Repeating Table/Group. Setting this 'key' will cause the form to perform a merge each time the table data gets updated, but only fields that are actually changed by the user are updated.

    The value of the key should be the name of one of the table columns . Each row must have a unique key value. The key value indicates which column contains the key (for example, my:partnumber).

  • Payload Store Type: Where to store external data. If you are working in an environment where an external data store has been configured to offload part of your form data, the values in this dropdown let you specify which 'store' to use. (This would need to be configured by your Winshuttle Workflow Administrator.)