Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Element properties A-Z

The following table provides a brief description of the various properties available in the Properties pane for each Element. Properties specific to certain elements can be found on the page describing the element.

Note:Not all properties apply to all elements.

Properties Search box screenshot

Tip: You can also access element and solution properties from the Solution Tree.

Composer Solution Tree right-click menu example
  1. In Composer, click the Solution Tab.
  2. In the Solution Tree, right-click an element or other item, and then click Properties.

Element Properties Table


Value type




Create a logical argument with Field Values, Operators, Functions, and Nodes. Used to create customized form logic and pass data between form elements.

For example, you can create a button that triggers a plugin, and then configure the arguments to pass specific information to the plugin for processing.

See Working with arguments for additional information.

Available Options Only

True | False

  • True: Restricts user to choosing only presented options.
  • False: User can type an alternate choice that is not available in the menu.

Background color

Menu selection

Changes the background color for a Group element.


Menu selection

The name (not the label) of the form field to which an element is bound.

Border Color

Menu selection

Specifies the color of the border around the element (e.g., black, red, gray, etc.).

Border Style

Menu selection

Specifies the style of border displayed around an element. For example: Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Inset, etc.

Border Width

Menu selection

Specifies the thickness of the border around an element: thin, thick, thicker, thickest.

Button Behavior

Cancel | Complete | Reject | Save | Save and Run | Run Embedded plugin | Delete | Custom

Sets button behavior to a preset (Cancel, Save, etc.) or customized function.

Selecting Custom enables the Rules option so you can create a custom rule that will govern the button's behavior.


Expanded | Collapsed | Non-Collapsible

  • Expanded: Group is expanded (open) by default, and can be collapsed.
  • Collapsed: Group is collapsed by default, and can be expanded.
  • Non-collapsible: Group is expanded and cannot be collapsed.

Collapsible Field Reference

Field name

This lets you select a boolean field to control the collapse state of a group. For example, you can use this to hide/expose groups depending on whether or not a checkbox is selected.

This property adds a checkbox into the header of the group. This checkbox combines setting the boolean field value (based on the check-box state) as well as the group collapse state (i.e. whether or not it is expanded (checked) or collapsed (not checked).



The number of columns for the element.

Column Span

Number (1-6)

The number of columns the element will span. Applies to Basic and Helper elements only. If a Group is configured to have more than one (1) column, the Column Span property on any element within the group will span the set number of columns.

Date Format

Menu selection

The format style of a date entry, e.g. mm/dd/yyyy.

Default Value


The default value for an element.

Element Type

TextBox | Text Area | Dropdown | ComboBox | Date Picker | Number | Email | Checkbox | Radio Button

Lets you quickly change a basic element (such as a Text Box) to another, similar type of basic element, such as a Dropdown or Combo Box.

Enable Autocomplete

True | False

  • True: Form field can be auto-completed by the browser.
  • False: Form field cannot be auto-completed by the browser.

Enable Excel Operations

True | False

  • True: Displays links for Export and Upload to Excel for repeating tables and repeating groups so data can be uploaded to an Excel file on the user's local PC. Export outputs the contents of a repeating table or group to an Excel file. Upload uploads the data into an Excel file.
  • False: Do not display Export/Upload to Excel options.

Enable Rich Text

True | False

This applies to the Text element Text Area (but not Text Box).

  • True: Enables a Rich Text formatting/editor ribbon for text entry.
  • False: Does not display Rich Text controls and Limits input to plain text.

Enable Runtime Edit

True | False

This applies to the HTML element.

  • True: Enables a runtime HTML Editor for the element.
  • False (default): Does not display the HTML editor.

Enable Search

True | False

Enable or disable a search box for searching or filtering information in a table.

  • True: Enables a Search box for the form user to enter search/filter criteria.
  • False: Hides the Search box.

Enable Sort

True | False

  • True: Shows sorting arrows for the fields in a table to enable users to quickly sort data.
  • False: Hides sorting arrows.

Enable Validation Results

True | False

  • True: Displays the Validation link to the user. Clicking Validation will display the number of validation errors found in the Repeating Table/Group. This is typically used with the Paginate Content (see below) property to find validation errors in large tables.
  • False: Do not display the Validation option to the user.
Field Encryption True | False
  • True: Data entered into the field is encrypted by the server and stored in encrypted form in the formxml and logs. If the field is in a form view to be rendered, or the field needs to post to SAP or any 3rd party web service, the field is decrypted by the Server and sent in plain text format. In order to ensure complete security, the data transmission should occur via https.
  • False: Data in the field is not encrypted.

See Composer Field Encryption for more information.

Image Alternate


Alternate text (Alt Text) for an image inserted into a form.

Image Height


The height of the image in pixels.

Image Source

File path

The file system path to the image, e.g., C:\images.

Image Width


The width of the image in pixels.

Input Type

Menu selection

The type of input for a form field: TextBox, Dropdown, Email, Number, Checkbox, DatePicker.

Key Column for Merging

Table Column

This property supports concurrent editing of table data (i.e. when multiple users might make changes to the same table at the same time). The Key Column is a field within the table that contains a unique identifier. This field must not be duplicated within the table, and it is required to support the data merging that takes place when the form is saved.

Max Characters


The maximum number of characters a user will be allowed to type into the field. Default value is 80.

Min Characters


The minimum number of characters a user will be allowed to type into the field. Default value is 80.

New Item Location

Top-right | Top-Left | Bottom-Left | Bottom-Right | Both - Left | Both - Right

The location of the '(+) Add new item' option in a repeating table or repeating group.



The internal name for an element in the form.


Vertical | Horizontal

  • Vertical: Aligns a list of items vertically.
  • Horizontal: Aligns a list of items horizontally.


Small | Medium | Large

The padding (space) around an image (top, bottom, left, and right).

Paginate Content

True | False

  • True: Content in the table will be displayed in a single page.
  • False: Content will be paginated according to the Row Count setting.

Payload Store Type [BETA]

Dropdown list

This is a BETA feature that can be used to store the table data outside of the Form XML. There is also a server configuration setting associated with this feature that must be configured by an administrator.

Placeholder Text


Placeholder text is a short description or hint that that describes the expected value of an input field. (For example, "Enter phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx"). The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value.

Promote to SharePoint (Field)


Name of the SharePoint Field text will be promoted to.

Propagate Changes to all Views

True | False

When you change style or properties for common labels in a Composer form with multiple views, you will be prompted by a dialog box asking if you want to apply the changes to all views. Setting this option to True automatically propagates style or property changes to all applicable views without prompting.



Enter a range of possible values manually or from a data connection (to a SharePoint List, for example) that the form user can select from.

Read Only

True | False

  • True: Element is read-only and cannot be modified.
  • False: Element can be modified.

Refresh default value

True | False

  • True: Forces the element to re-evaluate any applicable default values when a field value changes.
  • False: (default) - Element will not re-evaluate default values when a field changes.

(Note for Microsoft InfoPath users: This is the same functionality as the "Refresh value when formula is recalculated" setting.)


True | False

  • True: Requires input from the user and marks the form field with a red asterisk.
  • False: Element will not require user input.

Row Count


Specifies the number of rows to display in a repeating table before paginating content.



Click to view (or create) any Rules (logic, formulas, etc.) applied to an element.

Run Embedded Plugin


Use this to specify a plugin (for example, Clone Files), and the arguments (parameters) to pass to the plugin.

Run Rules on Form Creation Only

True | False

  • True: Only run rules for a View when the form is first created.
  • False: Rules will be re-run each time the view is opened.

Save Content

True | False

This setting applies to Selectable Tables.

  • True: Keeps the content in the formXML when the form is saved.
  • False: Does not keep the content in the formXML when the form is saved.

Show Header

True | False

  • True: Display the group header in the form.
  • False: Do not display the group header.

Show Sub-Labels

True | False

  • True: Show the element's sub label.
  • False: Hide the element's sub-label.

Signature Accept Rule


Clicking Accept will trigger the specified rule. Note: The Required property (see above) must be set to True to access this property.

Signature Clear Rule


Clicking Clear will trigger the specified rule.

Note: The Required property (see above) must be set to True to access this property.

Table Width


Specifies a width in pixels for the width of the Table and enables a horizontal scrollbar (if applicable). This is useful when there are a large number of columns in the Table.

Tool Tip


Text that appears as a tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over a field.

Translation Override

Menu selection

Enables you to override language translation for an element for a specific language.


Number (%)

The width of the element in the form, expressed as a percentage (1-100%).