Value Setter node properties

The Value Setter node allows you to set values in a form field or list column. This functionality can be used to manipulate a workflow route based on the setting of values in a form field or list column.

Value Setter node properties



Assignment Completion Link Text

A hypertext link directing the assignee to their task. This usually does not apply to the Value Setter node.


A description of the task/assignment.

Item Link Text

A hypertext link directing the assignee to the form or document pertaining to the task. This usually does not apply to the Value Setter node.

Main Page Link Text

A hypertext link directing the assignee to the Winshuttle Workflow site where the task originated. This usually does not apply to the Value Setter node.


The name of the task/assignment.


Read-only type of the node.

Value Pairs

Values that the Value Setter node will set.


  • The workflow below uses a hidden form field titled Review that gets exported as form library columns.
  • The Value Setter node sets the value of the field to OFF on the main workflow, to direct the routing in the Factory Approval Loop to the Vendor Manager Approval and AP Planner Approval tasks.
  • If one of those task participants rejects the form, the route proceeds to the Rejects route and a Value Setter node sets the value of the Review field to OFF. The loop restarts and the workflow is routed to the Revise PD task.

TIP: Use the XPath (e.g. [//my:Review]) to the field in the form. When working with Process Controlled Document Workspaces (Document Workflows), always use the column (e.g. [Review]) as a reference.

Value Setter Node example