Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Workflow nodes (A-Z)

A workflow node represents a step in a workflow. Winshuttle Designer provides a set of standard node types for which you can set properties specific to your workflow. The table below lists each node type and its general purpose. The following sections describe each node type in detail and include a table of including properties that you can set for the node.

Winshuttle Composer workflow nodes

Click a node image (below) or the name of the node in the Node properties table (below) to view the properties page for that node.

And Join node Activity Node image Plugin Action node image Decision node image End node image Start Node image
Approval node image Notification node image And-Join node image Loop node image Value Setter node image Xor Join node image

Winshuttle Composer node properties

Click the name of a node to view more information about available options and properties.




A single step or task in a workflow. Activities can be configured with a variety of different properties to accomplish different tasks.

And Join

A step to evaluate an Approval node and to move on to the next step in the workflow.

If you have multiple activities you want to run in parallel (such as approvals or tasks), and you want to wait for ALL of them to complete before progressing to the next step in the workflow, you would use the AND Join.


A step or task that requires approval or consent before proceeding.


A step that branches to more than one path in the workflow.


The last step in a workflow or a loop within a workflow.


A sub-process within a main workflow. For example, you might use a Loop when part of a larger workflow requires an approval before the main workflow can continue.


A notification sent to alert participants to an event or status, such as when a task is due or completed.

Plugin action

A step that you can customize to integrate your own functionality into a workflow. See the Plugins Reference Guide for more information.

Start node

The beginning of a workflow or a loop (see above) within a workflow.

Value Setter

A step that allows you to set values in fields or list columns to manipulate a workflow route.

Xor Join

A step to evaluate an Approval node and to move on to the next step in the workflow.

If you have multiple activities you want to run in parallel (such as approvals or tasks), and want to continue the workflow as soon as any one of the activities has completed you would use the XOR Join.