Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation



true | false | adminonly

  • True: All users will be able to create an ad hoc route for the document workflow, either from the Winshuttle explorer web-part or from the List items context menu in the Share Point library.
  • False - No users will be able to create an ad hoc route. They have to use the pre-defined workflows published on the document library.
  • Adminonly - Only users with managed list permissions can create an ad hoc route for a document workflow, either from the Winshuttle explorer web-part or from the List items context menu in the Share Point library.


Determines whether or not choosing Route in the context menu in Winshuttle Explorer allows the user to create an ad hoc (custom) route.

This key is applicable to document (DocEx) worklows only.

