Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation


The Error Log operation of the SVAdm tool allows you to record execution of the product on the server. System logging can be useful in tracking down performance and system errors.

Log files (Sharevis.log) are stored in the ..\Program Files\Winshuttle Workflow\logs directory by default.

The most common logging level is Info. Other logging levels are Debug, Warn, and Error. In the case of exceptions, if the logging level is anything except Error, then that exception was expected by the system, and can be safely ignored. If the logging level is Error, then the exception was not expected, which indicates that the condition was a true exception in the system.

Tip: If you are trying to track down an error, replicate the error while logging is running, and then go to \Program Files\ShareVis\logs and review the sharevis.log to review it.

Note: Some exceptions are normal and expected during the everyday running of Workflow. To determine if an exception is expected or unexpected, look at the logging level near the beginning of the logging line.

Types of logging




The default logging type. Logs the internal workings of the product that runs in the context of SharePoint. Core Logging is the general log that is used to troubleshoot the majority of function issues within the Workflow Environment.


Timer Service Logging is the log that is used to troubleshoot functional issues with the timer service for workflows.The log timer marks within the core product, which can be useful if there are performance problems.


The SVService log is the log used to troubleshoot functional issues with notifications and automated workflow actions.


SVAdm logging logs the running of Workflow Admin command line tools.

Central Admin

Central Admin logging logs the running of the Workflow Central Administration Site.

Log detail levels

Workflow supports 4 levels of logging:



System Performance Impact


Logs when a serious exception is thrown



Logs when something is detected that is wrong, but is not necessarily fatal. If the system encounters some condition that was not expected, but that was not serious enough to throw an exception, a description will be written to the log at a logging level of Warn. Errors are also included in this level.



Traces messages throughout the code. No string composition (and hence no variable data) is logged at this level. Errors and Warnings are also included in this level.



The most detailed logging level. Includes variable data, so string composition is done extensively, which can trigger more frequent garbage collections, etc. Errors, Warnings, and Informational messages are also included in this level. This level of logging has the greatest impact on performance.


Searching logs

To easily search for any logging level with a text editor, search for a "|" immediately followed by the logging level name. For example, if you are examining a log to try to find where an error occurred, you should search for "|Error". If that yields nothing, search for "|Warn," remembering that exceptions caught and logged under the Warn level were expected, and probably do not indicate a source of the error.

Note: We strongly advise that you turn off logging as soon as you are finished. Leaving it active will negatively impact system performance.

Enable logging with SVAdm

To enable the SVAdm system/core log, run the following command:

svadm -o addlogging




Logs in a different thread, so as to not slow down the apparent speed to the end user as much.


A comma-separated list of the classes you want to restrict the logging to.


Clears the existing log file of the given type if it exists.




Includes the stack trace in the log file (slows the system down more).


The type of loggin. It can be CORE, SVSERVICE, CA, SVADM, or TIMER.

-Type can be abbreviated as -t (see examples below).


Displays information on the logging configuration files that are being updated.

Examples of these some of these commands can also be found in the Start Dump section.

Note: Be certain to run IISRESET if the command instructs you to do so.

Sample commands

svadm –o addlogging -t svservice (turns on logging for SVService)

svadm –o addlogging -t timer (turns on logging for Timer)