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Journal Entry for Connect

Uploading data with Journal Entry for Connect

Open a template

  1. Open your designated template in Excel.
  2. Click the Winshuttle for Journal Entry tab.
  3. Click Log in to Connect and enter your credentials. Set proxy settings, if necessary. The green button in Licensing indicates that you are online with Connect. Your Journal Entry template appears. You can save your template now or you will be prompted to save it later.

Enter data

  1. Enter the Company Code, document dates, posting dates, and any tax information.

    For t-codes such as FB50, you can enter tax information on either the Basic tab or the Tax tab, and Journal Entry will balance tax amounts in the header and line items. However, fields on the Tax tab cannot be included in a loop.
    Long text is handled as a loop. Journal Entry supports multiple loops at the same level, although it does not support nested loops.

    Important: Ensure that you add the date in the correct format that is defined in your SAP system. Journal Entry does not automatically correct date formats.

  2. Enter data in the item cells. In BAPI templates, debit amounts must be specified as negative amounts. For example, a debit of $50 is written as "-50".
  3. Save the workbook. You can park the sheet, if needed. See "To park a document." Note that for BAPI templates, "park" is not available.
  4. On the Journal Entry ribbon, click ValidateJE validate. Your credits and debits should balance. If not, edit the entries and validate again until the sheet balances. If you have Split enabled, your sheet can be balanced by the application.
  5. After you validate and make corrections, click Simulate JE simulateto simulate the run.

    When you simulate a run, the entire journal is uploaded line-by-line to SAP, but the data is not posted. After validating and simulating, you are ready to post. For BAPI templates, if the data exceeds the chunk size, you are prompted to split the document.

Post a document

  1. Click Post JE Park and Post. The SAP Logon dialog box appears. Select your SAP system and enter your credentials, as necessary.

    The Journal Entry toolbar indicates the SAP system you are logged onto.

  2. When the data is successfully uploaded to SAP, the SAP document number appears as a hyperlink. Click the link to verify that your data is in SAP.

    Note: If you try to validate or post and a message appears that says Excel is in Editing mode, save the sheet and try again.

Park a document

  1. Save your document.
  2. Click Park.

    Note: A document does not need to be validated to be parked.

Attaching documents

For some processes, you may need to or want to attach the current Excel workbook. In Journal Entry, you do this after the documents have been parked or posted and the links to the document are returned.

Document types that can be attached include text files, email messages, and images. Ensure that the size of each attached document does not exceed 5 MB.

Attach documents

  1. When the document is validated and parked or posted, click the Attach Document button. You may need to sign in to SAP.
  2. In the list of documents and their accompanying document numbers (the blue links) on the spreadsheet, click one of the links.

    The View Document and Attach Workbook window appears. You can attach .png, .jpg, .jpeg, tif, tiff, .gif, .bmp, .txt, .xlsx,, .xls, .msg, .pdf, .doc, and .docx.
  3. Select the check box next to any document that you want to attach. You can add them either to SAP.
  4. To add the current workbook to SAP, click Attach workbook to SAP.

    The Upload Status column displays the status of the uploading files.

    If the supporting document already exists in the Supporting Documents folder, you can remove the document from upload, or replace it with another.

  5. Click the document number link to view the posted document through the SAP GUI. When finished, click Close.

Using a List of Values (LOV)

For some fields, a list of values (LOV) may be available.

Use an LOV

Clearing data

You can undo entries made in the template.

Splitting Documents

Important: Journal Entry cannot split a column-based document that contains multiple loops at the same level.

Splitting balanced documents

When you try to post a particularly large document, you are notified that the document is large enough that you must split it. The parameters for splitting the document should already be included in the template, but click the Split Document button JE Split. Dummy values will appear at the interval that the template creator has designated. When you post the document again, and the data is uploaded to SAP, the document will be split at these empty fields.

Splitting unbalanced documents

When you attempt to split an unbalanced document, you see a prompt with two options:

Workbook and sheet switching

Parking, posting, and simulating sheets may take several minutes. However, you can work on other workbooks and sheets while park, post, and simulate actions are in progress.

Also in this section

Customizing templates

Journal Entry templates from BAPI recordings