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Error management

To use error management tools


The trace log can be used to help find the cause of problems you might experience with the program. When this option is enabled, it traces all the actions you have taken in the software and writes them to a file. The trace file is available under C:\Users\<user name>\My Documents\Winshuttle\RUNNER for QUERY\LOG or at your default path for log files.

If you experience a software problem, check the trace option and repeat the actions that resulted in an error. A text file is created in the default log folder that you can send to the support team for review.

Note: It is important to shut off trace after you have the information you need. The log file will be written to continuously, which may degrade the program's performance.

Also in this section

SAP defaults

Client connection settings

Specifying query script properties

Advanced run options

Customizing RUNNER for QUERY