New features in TRANSACTION version 10.6/10.7 > 10.7 Update 1
10.7 Update 1
To move to the App Model version of Central, click Help, click About, and then click Reset Activation Mode. Start the program again, click Enterprise, and then enter the URL for the Central App Model website.
New functionality
- The Open dialog box displays only 15 files at a time, with a Next button to see more files and a Search box for narrowing the list of files.
- The Tasks list now shows only five tasks at a time. You can click the Next arrow to view additional tasks.
- You can sign in to a different Central site from within Transaction. On the Most Recent Files and Favorites page, click the Welcome arrow, click Sign in to Different Site, and then click the site that you want in the list of available Central sites.
- If a newer version of a data template is on the Central site when you submit your data, Transaction will notify you to download the updated version and use it to submit the data.
Known issues
- SAP systems must be added to the Central site in uppercase letters; SAP systems that are added in lowercase letters will not be available in the desktop programs.
- If you enter a partial search term in the Open dialog box, you must include a wildcard character. For example, "ab" will not return results, but "ab*" will return all the results that include the "ab" string.
- The logs are not site-specific. Logs for all Central sites are shown.
- If you are using the Excel Add-in, an error appears the first time that you download a data template file. Click OK to dismiss the error message, and then download the file again.
- If your credentials are stored in Control Panel, you will be shown as the submitter for any script, even if another user was logged on and submitted the script. This is not recommended.
- You cannot reschedule a task in the Calendar view. Instead, you must delete the scheduled task and create a new scheduled task.
- Access databases are not a supported data file type.
- The user profile page and the pages for assigning and approving tasks are not displayed correctly in Internet Explorer 9. The recommendation is to use Internet Explorer 10.
- The time is always displayed as GMT in the Open from Central dialog box.
- If you have a Runner Studio license, you cannot log on to the authoring client. Instead, log on to the Runner client.
- If you are using the App Model version of Central, you cannot run a Transaction script from the command line.