Introducing Winshuttle RUNNER for TRANSACTION > New Features in versions 10.6/10.7
New Features in versions 10.6/10.7
Version 10.7.2
Version 10.7 Hotfix 1
- Document attachments now support the .xlsm, .msg, .rtf, and .htm file types.
- A new option allows the Central site administrator to restrict the ability to run GUI Scripting/Launch GUI-enabled files at a later time.
- When people attempt to change the Run Later settings, Transaction displays a reminder that the settings cannot be changed and that Transaction will use the script settings that were saved when the script was submitted to Central.
- Runner for Transaction now coordinates authorizations for both S_Tabu_NAM and S_Tabu_DIS.
- Runner for Transaction now supports SAP GUI 740.
Version 10.7
- Runner for Transaction now supports EHP7.
Version 10.6 Update 1
- IF condition is now available for web services. To publish a script that contains an IF condition as a web service, an upgrade to Winshuttle Server version 10.6.1 is required.
- All Microsoft Excel files open when the Winshuttle add-in is enabled.
- Logon to SAP is now possible through Siteminder.
- Search options in F4 help in web services have expanded. You can now request an exact match, a pattern match using the star symbol (*), all values using either the star symbol (*) or a blank field.
Version 10.6
- Winshuttle Function Module now ships with a unified installer for Winshuttle Transaction and Winshuttle Query. For more information, see the Winshuttle Function Module version 10.6 documents.
- F4 lookup is available for web services on SAP systems where the Winshuttle Function Module is installed.
- Winshuttle Function Module now ships with a unified installer for Winshuttle Transaction and Winshuttle Query. For more information, see the Winshuttle Function Module version 10.6 documents.
- F4 lookup now works correctly for web services.