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To record a new script from a DIRECT template
The DIRECT templates page appears. Select a template from the Winshuttle template repository, or browse to a locally-stored template. If not templates are listed, click Get/Refresh list to load available templates.
Enter info in any fields you require. You must add a title and you must add the time it takes for this business process to add one record by using the SAP GUI. The time setting is used by TRANSACTION for ROI calculation.
The SAP metadata details are filled from the DIRECT metadata details. Therefore, the creator for the TRANSACTION script is the same as the creator of the DIRECT template it is based on.
You can use Select all or Clear all for bulk selection or omission of fields in the currently loaded category and section. Fields marked "Mandatory" cannot be cleared.
Note: Fields marked "Mandatory" cannot be cleared.
Note that loops are created automatically around table categories, but you must set properties.
The All tab displays all fields available in the imported DIRECT script for a selected category, regardless of its MR80 designation.
The mapping for TRANSACTION scripts that were created by using DIRECT templates is similar to that for scripts that are created through the recording process. For basic information about mapping, see The TRANSACTION Getting Started Guide.
Here are some ways in which DIRECT scripts differ from TRANSACTION scripts:
After a DIRECT-based script is created, you may need to add fields. Fields can be added from the TRANSACTION Mapper.
To add fields in a DIRECT-based script from within TRANSACTION
For field insertion to work correctly, the top rows should be field rows, and not log fields, table, do-while or if rows.
Only unique fields that are not already included in the mapper can be selected. Duplicate fields result in an error message.
The MRD specification that is required in DIRECT is not required in TRANSACTION. Mouse over the newly-added field to see the padding type that is displayed on the Properties pane.
Sometimes BAPIs require pre- and post-BAPIs to execute completely. For example, BAPI_BUS2001_CREATE must be preceded by BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION. The problem, however, is that BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION does not require input and, therefore, cannot run in TRANSACTION.
To overcome this difficulty, Winshuttle offers the BapiRule.xml file. The file is installed automatically when you install TRANSACTION, in the default location of C:\Program Files (x86)\Winshuttle\TRANSACTION\BapiRule.xml.
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