Studio Manager User App

Global Admins , User App Admins, and End Users can access and use the User App home page.

The page layout is the same for all users, and the page includes the following widgets (“panes”):

My Tasks

This widget provides a list of all tasks assigned to the logged-in user. If you want to go to the Tasks page from the User App home page, click View All.

My Templates

This widget provides a list of all templates marked as favorites by the logged-in user. Any number of templates may be marked as favorites. If you click Excel templates, they download locally. If you click Form Templates, the form is launched.


This widget provides the following notifications:

  • Compliance check fail (applies to Global Admins and User App Admins only)
  • The logged-in user has been added to a delegation
  • The license will expire in less than 30 days
  • AutoRun precheck has failed, and the user is the process originator
  • AutoRun fails and cannot be recovered, and the user is the process originator


You can access the following reports on the User App home page:

  1. Top Widget – the My Processes report is added to the top widget by default.
  2. Bottom Widget – the My Processes count-by-months report is added to the bottom widget by default.

As you add a report to a widget, select one of these formats:

  • Pie Chart
  • Donut Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Line Chart

From the Reports page, you can add any number of reports to the top or bottom widget. To change a report in the widget, click on the widget drop-down list and select a different report. For more information, please see Reports.