Winshuttle Function Module - Compatibility Matrix

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Studio Products

For Studio and Evolve version-specific information, please refer to the Studio - Evolve Compatibility Matrix.

The Product Life Cycle of all Winshuttle products is included on the Product Support Availability page.

Support for WFM depends on SAP version, hence this page is specific to WFM compatibility with SAP.

Note: For Studio compatibility with SAP GUI, please refer Studio system requirements page here. For Evolve compatibility with SAP GUI, please refer Evolve system requirements page here. For Studio Manager compatibility with SAP GUI, please refer Studio Manager system requirements page here.

Appearance in the SAP ERP System


WFM 20.2 supports the following SAP products:

  • S/4HANA - customer or partner-managed.

  • S/4HANA Cloud EX - SAP managed. The EX (Extended Edition) was formerly titled "STE: Single Tenant Edition."

The component information in your SAP GUI will include the SAP version numbers in the table below. To get the full benefits of a release (specifically, the co-dependent new features), the client and the WFM must be the same version. If you are planning to upgrade, please refer to our SAP S/4HANA Release Support Policy.

SAP Basis Release S/4HANA 2021 - SAP 756 S/4HANA 2020 - SAP 755 S/4HANA 1909 - SAP 754 S/4HANA 1809 - SAP 753 S/4HANA 1709 - SAP 752 S/4HANA 1610 - SAP 751 NW - 740, 750, 751, 752, 753 S/4HANA 1511 - SAP 750 EHP8 - SAP 750 ECC6-70x, 731 or 740 for APO/ SRM/EWM ECC6-70x -SAP 731 or 740 ECC6 - SAP 730 ECC6 -SAP 710 or 711
     WFM version 20.2.8 83B 82C 78 D 77D 76D 75D 96D - 11D** 91D 11D 71D 41D
20.2 (August, 2021 release) -


78C 77C 76C 75C 96C - 11C** 91C 11C 71C 41C
20.2 (February, 2021 release) - 82 A - - - - - - - - - - -
20.1 - - 78B 77B 76B 75B 96B - 11B** 91B 11B 71B 41B
20.0 - - 78A 77A 76A 75A 95A - 11A** 91A 11A 71A 41A
12.1 - - 67C 67C 66F 65H 95A - 10W** 90U 10W 70N 40M
12.0.1 - - - 67B 66E 65G - - 10V** 90T 10V 70M 40L
12.0 - - - - 66D 65F - - 10U** 90S 10U 70L 40K
11.4.1 - - - - 66C 65E - - 10T** 90R 10T 70K 40J
11.2.12 - - - - 66B 65D - - 10S** 90Q 10S 70J 40I
11.4 - - - - 66A* 65C - - 10R** 90P 10R 70I 40H
11.3.0 - - - - - 65B - 60O* 10P** 90O 10P 70H 40G
11.2.0 - - - - - 65A - 60N* 10O** 90N 10O 70G 40F
11.1.1 - - - - - - - 60M* 10N** 90M 10N 70F 40E
11.1.0 - - - - - - - - - - 10M 70E 40D
11.0.1 - - - - - - - - - 90L 10L 70D 40C
11.0 - - - - - - - 60L* - - 10L 70D 40C


- - - - - - - - - - 10K 70C 40B

Yes or SAP version number = Fully supported.- (dash) = Not supported. The product life cycle of all Winshuttle products is included on the Product Support Availability page. * Non-GA version WFM: Installers are not fully tested by Winshuttle.** Installer created for ECC6 - 70X, 731, or 740 will be used for SAP BASIS 750.

Note: Notes: If you plan to use Studio with S/4HANA, the minimum compatible Studio + WFM versions are below. (Transaction, Query, and Direct versions 10.7 and earlier may work, but are not recommended.)
Note: S/4 HANA 2020:  Studio 12.1 with Connect, LMS, UG, or Foundation; and, Studio 20.1 with Evolve or Studio Manager
Note: S/4 HANA 1909: 12.1 S/4 HANA 1809: 12.0S/4 HANA 1709: 11.2.12 (11.4 is a non-GA version)S/4 HANA 1610: 11.2.0S/4 HANA 1511: No GA versionEHP-7 Support is provided for WFM 10.7 and above, and for Winshuttle software client version 10.7 and above.EHP-8 Support is provided for WFM 11.1.1 and above, and for Winshuttle software client version 11.1.1 and above.

The Winshuttle Function Module for SAP

The client software (Studio) must be either the same version or a later version of the Function Module (FM) in order to run and be supported by Winshuttle. (WFM 10.7 is an exception to this; it runs successfully with client software versions 10.6 and 10.6.1.)

As a best practice, Winshuttle recommends that all customers install the latest WFM when they deploy the new SAP server release (e.g., S/4 HANA or ECC) to ensure interoperability with the new SAP server release. Subsequently, they should prepare for a Studio and Foundation upgrade that will provide additional features and/or performance improvements that are tied to the WFM. (For further information, please refer to the Studio Upgrade Guides.)

However, customers using version 11 or later of Studio and/or Foundation can opt to upgrade their WFM to the latest version of the WFM that is certified with the newly available SAP S/4 HANA release. If customers run into issues with the mixed version configuration and would like to receive Winshuttle customer support, they need to upgrade their version of Studio to the same version as that of their WFM. For very complex scripts, customers may also need to update their scripts in order for them to work seamlessly with the newer versions of Studio and the WFM and with the new SAP S/4 HANA release.

For further background, please refer to the SAP and Winshuttle Product Compatibility page.

Prior to combined WFM installer

Transaction client and Winshuttle Server version
10.3 10.4 10.4.1 10.5 10.6 10.6.1 10.7
Transaction & WFM version 10.3 Yes Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*
10.4 - Yes Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*
10.4.1 - - Yes Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*
10.5 - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
10.6 - - - - Yes Yes Yes
10.7 - - - - Yes Yes Yes

Yes = Fully supported. To get full benefits of a release (co-dependent new features and SAP Enhancement Packs), client and FM must be the same version. Yes* = Fully supported, but not recommended because of core WFM changes. - (dash) = Not supported.

  Query client and Winshuttle Server version
10.3 10.4 10.4.1 10.5 10.6 10.6.1 10.7

Query & WFM version

10.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
10.4 - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
10.5 - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
10.6 - - - - Yes Yes Yes
10.7 - - - - Yes Yes Yes

Yes = Fully supported. To get full benefits of a release (co-dependent new features and SAP Enhancement Packs), client and FM must be the same version. - (dash) = Not supported.

After combined WFM installer

WFM version Transaction/Query client version Studio client version
10.710. 11.0 11.0.1 11.0.3 11.1.1 11.2.0 11.3.0 11.2.12 12.1 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.2.8
10.7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11.1.1 - - Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11.2.0 - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11.3.0 - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11.4.0 - - - - - Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11.4.1 - - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
11.2.12 - - - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - - - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
12.1 - - - - - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
20.0 - - - - - - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
20.1 - - - - - - - - - - Yes Yes Yes
20.2 February 2021 - - - - - - - - Yes - Yes Yes Yes
20.2 August 2021 - - - - - - - - Yes - - Yes Yes
20.2.8 - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes

For WFM versions 20.0, 20.1, and 20.2, we do not support Studio 20.0 and 20.1 with Connect. Please download these three versions of the WFM only if you have Evolve or Studio Manager installed on your system.

Yes = Fully supported. To get full benefits of a release (co-dependent new features and SAP Enhancement Packs), client and FM must be the same version. - (dash) = Not supported. The product life cycle of all Winshuttle products is included on the Product Support Availability page.