Edit a Profile in a Manage Profile Tab

The EnterWorks 2020 UI provides two means of editing a profile:

When a profile is edited, all repositories based on the profile will reflect the changes, whether they are in Pre-Staging, Staging, or Production. The data already stored in the repositories will not be changed because attribute values are stored in an XML structure. However, editing a profile may cause the snapshot tables of all repositories based on that profile to be updated or rebuilt. For more information, see Effects of Data Model Changes on Existing Records and Snapshot Tables .

To edit a profile, you must first open it in the Manage Profile tab. This can be done either via the Repository Dashboard (see Repository Dashboard), or via the Profiles tab (see Open Profiles Tab.

Manage Profile Tab

The Manage Profile tab has six pages of configuration options for a profile. xxxx

  • Details: The name, description, type of profile, and whether it is valid. (See Manage Profile Details.)
  • Properties: Profile attributes have metadata such as data type, size, etc. Properties are custom metadata that the administrator can define. (See Manage Profile Properties.)
  • Attributes: The record attributes defined in repositories using this profile. (See Manage Profile Attributes.)
  • Rule List: The validation rules available for repositories using this profile. (See Manage Validation Rules.)
  • Tabs: The profile’s attribute tabs. (See Tabs .)
  • Groups: The profile’s attribute groups. (See Groups.)

Each configuration page is described in a following section.

To select a configuration page, click its corresponding button on the Manage Profile tab’s Page Bar.

Manage Profile Tab's Pages

Once you are finished editing the profile’s configuration options, to save your configuration changes, click the Save button on the Manage Profile’s Activity Bar. To exit without saving your changes, close the Manage Profile tab.