Edit a Profile in the Taxonomy Manager

For a high-level overview of taxonomies and category attributes and how they are used, see EnterWorks 10 Basics and the EnterWorks 10 User Guide.

The EnterWorks 2020 UI provides two means of editing a profile:

When a profile is edited, all repositories based on the profile will reflect the changes, whether they are in Pre-Staging, Staging, or Production. The data already stored in the repositories will not be changed because attribute values are stored in an XML structure. However, editing a profile may cause the snapshot tables of all repositories based on that profile to be updated or rebuilt. For more information, see Effects of Data Model Changes on Existing Records and Snapshot Tables.

To manage a profile via the Taxonomy Manager:

  1. Open for editing the taxonomy for one of the repositories based on the profile, (see Open Taxonomy/Hierarchy in Manager.)

    Taxonomy Manager

The Taxonomy Editor’s Category Attribute Tree (on the right of the Taxonomy Manager screen) displays all attribute tabs and attribute groups, as well as the attributes themselves.