Attribute Value Translations

Designate an Attribute as Multi-Language

To designate an attribute as a Multi-Language attribute, edit the attribute’s definition (see Edit a Profile Attribute) and set the Is Multi Language checkbox.

Select Is Multi-Language in the Manage Attribute Dialog

Manage Attribute Language Translations

When editing the value of an attribute, if the value is defined as a Multi-language attribute, a Multi-Language icon will appear to the right of the attribute’s edit box. To manage translated text for the attribute, click the Multi-Language icon. An Edit Multi-Language pop-up window will appear.

Edit Multi-Language Fields

The Language dropdown list at the top of the Edit Multi-Language window allows the user to elect to see the text edit boxes for all the supported languages or to see only one. If a desired language is not supported, it must be added to the Language List (see Manage the Language List).

Edit the translations as desired. Click the Apply button to save your changes, or click the Cancel button to exit without saving your changes.