Translating EnterWorks Labels and Messages
EPIM allows all labels and messages to be translated into the active languages in the Language List. Labels are the field names, headers, page names, and button labels. Messages include confirmation and error messages displayed as a consequence of user actions.
To translate all the labels that make up the EPIM interface use the “Export Multi-Languages” function and export “Messages” from the “Other Sub-systems” section.
- Navigate to “Export Multi-Languages” function.
- Select desired languages for translation then select Messages from the Other Subsystems section.
- Click Export and click on the generated link.
- Extract file(s) to your computer.
- Open a new Excel file.
- Select the data tab.
- In the Get External Data section of the data tab, select From Text.
- In the file explorer that appears navigate to the extracted data model file(s
- In the Text Import Wizard that appears, select the Delimited radio button. In the file origin dropdown list,
select Unicode (UTF-8). An example is shown below:
Click Next. In the following window, in theDelimiter section, verify that only the Comma checkbox is selected. An example is shown below:
- Click Finish. Place the data in cell A:1 and click Ok.
Add your translations for the language you have chosen to export.
Save the file as Unicode (UTF-8) text.
If the file name is changed, the new file name must include “Messages”
in the file name.
If the file name is changed, the new file name must include “Messages”
in the file name.
- For languages that are not made up of mostly special characters, follow
regular formatting. Execute the following steps for languages that are
mostly special characters. Examples include Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
- Open the file in Notepad++.
- All the characters should appear normally. If not, then stop and start from the beginning .
- Select all text and click crtl-F.
- Select the Replace tab.
- In the search mode section, select the Extended radio button .
- In the Find what section, enter “\t”. In theReplace with section enter text “,” then click Replace All.
- In the Find what”section, enter “,,”. In theReplace with section, enter “"",,” then click Replace All.
- In the encoding menu section of Notepad++, convert file to UTF-8.
- Save file with .csv file extension.
- Use the Import Multi-Languages function to import the translated file. Steps for importing can be found in section Import Data Model Translations into EPIM.
Inspect the Log file for the import job. An example of a successful
import log file is shown below.
- Remotely log into the application server and navigate to where the log file indicates the property files are generated. In the example above, the location is on the second line: D:/Enterworks/shared/conf/
Two files are generated from the import for each language. Copy both
files that pertain to the language(s) imported. An example is shown below.
- Paste the copied files into every tomcat and Jboss instance. An example is shown below for a multiple Jboss instances.
- In the EnterWorks application, clear the data cache for the added translations to take effect.
- For complete integration change of the browser specified language, steps are outlined in the Browser Specific Language Setting section of this manual.
NOTE: Log file import failures may occur, due to incorrect formatting of csv file, repeat formatting steps if such an error appears in the log file.