File Maintenance

Methods of File Maintenance

File maintenance in EnterWorks is performed in the following manners:

Modified EnterWorks Start Services Scripts

Typically, the scripts used to start EnterWorks services, (see Start/Stop Services ), archive system log files, but they do not remove old files from EnterWorks. You can modify the EnterWorks Start scripts to manually archive and remove files if desired, (see Manually Archiving and Removing Files ).

Using modified Start scripts to maintain EnterWorks’ files may work well for EnterWorks installations that are restarted regularly, however, this method may not work well for systems that run continually. In that case it might be better to create separate scripts to manually archive and remove the necessary files, (see Manually Archiving and Removing Files ).

Manually Archiving and Removing Files

EnterWorks contains two scripts that can be used to manually archive and remove files:

  • ArchiveExpiredFiles.bat
  • RemoveExpiredFiles.bat

These scripts allow you to specify where to archive or remove files from, where to archive files to, and the age of the files that should be archived or deleted. Custom scripts can be created to call the ExpiredFiles scripts as necessary.

For example, a script could call RemoveExpiredFiles.bat to clean up the archive directory(s) then it could call ArchiveExpiredFiles.bat to move newer files to the archives.

For more information on manually archiving and deleting files, contact your EnterWorks representative.

EnterWorks Scheduled Cleanup

EnterWorks has a built-in Scheduled Cleanup feature that deletes log files, temporary files, and relic system files and records. If the files need to be archived before they are deleted, ensure that customized scripts are run frequently enough to archive the necessary files, (see Manually Archiving and Removing Files ).

The Scheduled Cleanup function is managed in theServer Properties window, using theEnterWorks Classic UI. To access theServer Properties window, open the Feature Bar, open the System tab, and click Server Properties.

The Server Properties Window

The configuration options for EnterWorks’ Scheduled Cleanup function are as follows.

  • Schedule Cleanup Job : The Scheduled Cleanup function deletes files and records according to settings for the cleanup jobs listed in this window. It also removes expired code set item histories.
    The Scheduled Cleanup function is run according to theAuto Cleanup Interval and Auto Cleanup Start Date. It can also be run on demand by selecting the Now radio button.
  • Timeout User Sessions : The amount of time before idle users are logged out. This setting is discussed in the EnterWorks 10 Administration Guide.
  • Clean Job History : This feature removes job log files that are older than the threshold indicated. The recommended threshold is 24 hours.
  • Clean Record History : This feature removes record change history entries older than the specified threshold, on a per-record basis. The entry regarding a record’s creation is never deleted; only entries regarding changes to a record are deleted.
  • Clean System Log Files : This feature removes system log files (see System Log Files ) and Shared Files that are older than the number of days specified. The recommended setting is 7-24 days.
  • Clean Saved Sets : The number of days to store saved sets that are automatically created by the system for processing jobs, promoting records, etc. The recommendation for clean-up is one day.
  • The Configure Retail Product Generation configuration options at the bottom of the System Properties window are not part of Scheduled Cleanup.

Before exiting the window, make sure to click the Save button on the bottom of the window to save any changes you have made in the schedule.

Log File Maintenance

EnterWorks maintains two sets of log files:

  • Job log files: Log files produced by jobs when they are run.
  • System log files: Log files produced by EnterWorks services.

The required maintenance for both types of log files is:

  • Log files must be periodically archived.
  • Archived log files must periodically be deleted or moved to external storage.

The means to perform log file maintenance are described in subsequent sections.

Note that the configuration of EnterWorks varies depending on the needs of the customer organization and their archival policies. Any scripts provided with EnterWorks are specific to the organization. Also, the organization is expected to manage the space available on the server and determine how frequently logs are to be archived and how long the archived logs are to be kept.

Job Log Files

Job files are produced when jobs are run. The job files can be accessed via the Job Monitor. When a job is run, up to three types of files may be produced:

  • Job log file.
  • Job error file.
  • Job product file (which may be a correction file).

Job log files and job error files are kept in a directory that can be accessed via a network connection by any other servers in the configuration. (Note that the hosting server also accesses the directory via a network connection.) These job files are stored in sub-folders according to the type of the job that produced them. The path to the job files logging directories is:

<install directory> \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\<type of job>

There are two subdirectories in that directory that do not hold job files. They are:

  • <install directory> \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\tomcat
  • <install directory> \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\wildfly

These hold system log files for the Tomcat and JBossMaster/Slaves services. They are described in System Log Files .

System Log Files

The EnterWorks components produce system logs. These system logs are kept locally on the server that generates them and are stored according to the component that produced them.

Most of them are stored in:

<install directory>\Enterworks\logs\ <component name>

The exceptions are:

  • Tomcat:

    <install directory> \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\tomcat

  • JBoss Master/Slaves:

    <install directory> \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\wildfly

  • EPX:

    <install directory> \Enterworks\logs\EPX

For all services, the Start Enterworks.cmd archives and cleans up the system log files each time it is run, (with the exception of the EPX BIC_<machine name>.log system log file, see EPX System Log Files ). Therefore, if EnterWorks services are restarted regularly, (such as once a week), the maintenance on these system log files is performed automatically. However, if EnterWorks services are not restarted frequently enough, the log files must be cleaned up by the EnterWorks Scheduled Cleanup feature or manually, (see Manually Archiving and Removing Files ).

EPX System Log Files

The EPX system log files are maintained in the same manner as the other system log files, with the exception of the EPX BIC_<machine name>.log system log file. While EPX is running, this log file is always open and cannot be archived.

To archive the file, the EPX service must be stopped, the file archived, then the EPX service must be restarted. (See Start/Stop Services .)