Channel Readiness View

The Channel Readiness View displays all the current Channels along with statistics for each Channel.

After each update to a Channel, whether the Channel itself was modified or records for the Channel were modified, the Channel Statistics must be updated. (See Update Channel Statistics.)

To open the Channel Readiness View, first open the Feature Sidebar by clicking theFeatures Sidebar icon on the far left of the Tab Bar. Open the Administration tab, open the Channel Readiness folder and select Inbound or Outbound.

Open Channel Readiness

The Channel Readiness View tab will appear.

(For a detailed labeled reference guide image, see Channel Readiness Reference Guide .)

Channel Readiness View

Channel Statistics in the Channel Readiness View are presented as circle graphs.

If the State toggle (on the far right of the Channel Readiness View’s Activity Bar) is green, the graphs represent (in green) the percentage of records analyzed that meet the indicated requirement. If the State toggle is red, the graphs reflect the percentage of records analyzed that do not meet the indicated requirement.

To see a statistic represented in number form, hover over the statistic’s circle graph.

To drill down to the details of the records that make up a statistic, click their circle graph. A Repository View will appear that is filtered to only display the indicated records.

The Channel Readiness View is comprised of three tabs:

  • Channels: Displays all the defined Channels and statistics relating to the data quality of their selected attributes, the percentage of required attributes and optional records present, and the number of records analyzed.
  • Attributes: Displays statistics regarding the selected Channel’s global attributes, such as their type, their completeness, and the quality of their data in regard to implicit and business specified validation rules. For more details, see Attributes Tab.
  • Graph: Graphically displays the change over time of statistics regarding the selected Channel’s data completeness, errors found, and the number of records analyzed. For more details, see Channel History Graph.

Permitted users may also be able to access buttons on the Channel Readiness View’s Activity Bar that are used for configuring Channels. For further information on configuring Channels see the EnterWorks 10 Administration Guide.

The Channels tab displays Channel Statistics for all defined Channels. These statistics only relate to the attributes selected for the Channel during Channel configuration, not the entire repository.

The statistics are as follows:

  • Valid Content: The percentage of records that meets all validation rules.
  • Required Attributes: The percentage of records that have all required attributes.
  • Optional Attributes: The percentage of records that have all optional attributes.
  • Number of Records: The number of records analyzed.