Import Template
Import templates can be used to import data into one or more EnterWorks repositories. The easiest way to create an import template is to create an export file, then use it to create an import template. Import templates are typically created by the system administrator.
To import data to a repository,
Open the desired repository in a Repository View, (see
Open a Repository in a Repository View).
Repository View: Grid View
- Open the More Actions dropdown by clicking the
on the Repository View’s Activity Bar.
- Select the Import option.
Open the More Dropdown and Select Import
- Configuration Step 1 window will appear.
Import Records: Step 1 |
Step 1: Import Configuration
- Select Defined Template as the type of Import to be
- Current View: The record attribute values are imported simply, in a delimited or spreadsheet file.
- Defined Template: Allows the user to specify an Import Template to be used. Import Templates are typically created by the system administrator.
- Create Saved Set: (Optional) Stores the imported records in a Saved Set.
- Pending Content Changes: (Optional) Select to enter changes that take effect in the future (see Events).
- Select Defined Template dropdown: Select the Import Template to be used.
- Click Next to continue to Import Configuration Step 3, Back to return to Import Configuration Step 1 or click theClose icon
on the Import tab to exit the Import procedure.
Step 2: Import Configuration
Import Records via Template: Step 2 |
- Edit the Option values in the Import Configuration Step 2 window:
- File Name: The name of the file to import.
- Upload File/File on Server/JDBC Data Source: Select the location of the import file.
- File Format: This option will be selected automatically based on the type of file selected above.
- File Encoding: Select the file encoding method. Optionally, leave as Default unless the data does not import correctly, then see the system administrator for the correct option.
- Language: Select the desired language.
- Save Records Imported From Source as a Set: The imported records will be saved as a Saved Set.
Optionally, expand the Advanced Options and edit as
desired. Scroll through the Advanced Options as necessary
to access options.
Note: To execute a predefined import without a template, save the temporarily created mappings using the File Definition Name, Data Source Name, Mapping Name, Save Mapping options.
Import Options
File Definition Name
It names the file definition object that will contain the columns found in the file. Most import jobs auto-generate this object then remove it after the import has completed.
Data Source Name
It names the data source object file that identifies the source. Most import jobs auto-generate this object then remove it after the import has completed.
Mapping Name
The name of the mapping object that will be created. Most import jobs auto-generate this object then remove it after the import has completed.
Text Qualifier
Enter the character(s) that indicate the start and end of a text string value.
Field Delimiter
Enter the character(s) that delimit field values in the import file.
Row Delimiter
Enter the character(s) that delimit rows in the import file.
Header row number
Defaults to 1.
Start at line #
Defaults to 2.
Start after line text
Enter the text that identifies the line before the start of the import records.
Stop at end of file
The default option.
Stop at line #
Instead of stopping at the end of the file, stop at the specified line number.
Stop before line text
Instead of stopping at the end of the file or at a line number, stop before reaching the entered line of text.
Validate Import File Options
Non-Primary Key Data
Use a non-primary key attribute as the primary key.
Column Count
If set, this option will flag any row having a different number of columns than the header row.
Required Attributes
This option will prevent a record that is missing required attributes from being imported.
Unique Business Key (If defined in configuration)
If a business key is defined in the profile, use it as the primary key.
Column Data Type
This option will prevent a record with incorrect data types from being imported.
Sync In Options
Keep repository values if Import values are empty/null
If the import file’s attribute value is empty, keep the existing attribute value instead of clearing the value.
Update Only
Only update records that already exist in repository; do not create new records.
Disallow Null Primary Keys
Ignore import record if any of its primary keys are blank.
Create Only
Only add new records, do not update any records that already exist in the repository.
Ignore white space
Ignore any extra spaces before or after the data in the import file. This option defaults to checked.
Extended Data in One Row Format
If an error occurs, discard saved objects
If an error occurs in the import process, the underlying import objects will be deleted
Sync In
Starts import job. Uncheck to save objects without starting import.
Validate Afterwards
Save Mapping
Save underlying objects as mappings which can be rerun again: related to the use ofFile Definition Name,Data Source Name, and Mapping Name.
Allow External Trigger
Allow triggers to be executed.
Force job to execute as a 1st-time data load
Runs the job as if it were a first-time data load. This increases performance and decreases load time, however it may create duplicate records that will not have accurate record histories.
Sync Format Date for PLT
The format for dates found during the import process. It allows the user to ensure that all dates are consistently formatted. For information regarding this field, contact EnterWorks.
Sync Scan XML for PLT
For information regarding this field, contact EnterWorks.
Sync Scan HTML for PLT
For information regarding this field, contact EnterWorks.
Step 3: Import Configuration
Import Records: Step 3 |
- Verify the field mappings. If a file previously exported from a repository with the same profile is used and the column names were not changed, all the fields should map automatically. If any column is not properly mapped, click its column header and select the correct attribute name.
- Taxonomy Node dropdown list - If all Category Attributes in the input file are associated with one Taxonomy node, the Taxonomy node can be selected and only those Category Attributes will be shown for selection mapping. This is particularly useful for implementations with large numbers of Category Attributes.
- Map Across All Taxonomies checkbox - If a field in the input file is a Category Attribute, use this checkbox to have the Category Attributes map automatically and/or show in the dropdown list for manual mapping. Category Attributes don’t show in the mapping list automatically because it could make the selection list very large.
- Update all records on partial key matching – This checkbox is used to update multiple records based on a partial key. This option should be used with care because one record in the input file could update multiple records in the database. It is recommended that the system administrator be contacted before using this option.
- Click the Import button to import the data file, click
the Back button to return to the previous Import Configuration page, or click the Close icon
on the Import tab to quit without importing the data file.
Step 4: Import Configuration
An Import job is created and placed in the Job Queue. To view the job’s progress, open the Job Monitor from the Features Sidebar’s System tab or open a Job Monitor Widget in the Dashboard.
The Imported record files are prepared and made available for download and transmission. Upon completion, an Import Job Completed message will appear in the Import Configuration’s Step 4 window.
Import Job Completed: Step 4 |
The user can download the files created by the Import procedure by clicking the buttons below the Job Completion Status message:
- Download Log File: Download the Import Job Log file. It contains status about the contents of the Import Job, the date and time the Import Job was run, completion status, and the number of records processed and imported.
- The second file button is not used during imports.
- The third file button is not used during imports.
The user can also download the resulting output files from a Job Monitor Widget.
Download/Transmit Job Monitor Files |
If a Saved Set was created, to view it, click the Refresh
icon on the bottom left of the Repository View and click
the Saved Set button on the Repository View’s Activity Tab. The Saved Set Sidebar will appear. Click on the Saved Set that
was created to see the added or modified records.