
Open a Repository in a Repository View

To open a repository in a Repository View:

  1. Open the Features Sidebar by selecting the Features Sidebar icon on the Tab Bar.

    The Open Features Sidebar Icon

  2. Expand the Repository tab to display a list of the accessible folders, select the desired folder, and select the desired repository.

    Open a Repository from the Feature Sidebar

  3. The repository will be opened in a Repository View tab.

    Repository View

The selected Preference View determines which record attributes are displayed and in what order they are displayed. See Preference Views for more details.

Preference View Dropdown Menu

A record’s validation status is noted by the icon in the Error column. The possible status values are:

The list of records can be viewed in three different formats:Grid View, Card View and Gallery View. The List View icons are located at the bottom right of the Repository View.

Grid View shows the records in a table format, with the record attributes and validation status as the columns, as configured in the active Preference View. If the row of attribute columns is too wide to fit on the display screen, use the horizontal slider on the bottom of the Repository View to scroll the display horizontally. Unless dictated by a Preference View, attributes are listed in Attribute Tab/Attribute Group order.

Repository View: Grid View

Card View shows the records as a series of “cards”, with each card displaying the selected attributes and validation status, as configured in the active Preference View.

Repository View: Card View

Gallery View displays for each record a thumbnail image of the Digital Asset associated with the record (if available), as well as selected attributes and validation status, as configured in the active Preference View.

Repository View: Gallery View

If the Cover Flow capability is enabled in the active Preference View, theImage toggle will appear on the Repository View’s Activity Bar. If the Image toggle is brown, the Cover Flow capability is turned off. If the Image toggle is green, the Cover Flow capability is turned on.

If the Cover Flow capability is on, instead of the records’ images being displayed in-line with the records, they will be displayed in a series above the attribute headers in a Repository View. The images can be scrolled through and can be enlarged or reduced by sliding the Zoom slider below the images. Clicking on an image will cause its record to be selected. Selecting a record will cause its image to be displayed. Clicking the right or left arrows to the sides of the Cover Flow images will cause the Repository View to page forward or backward.

DamMaster in Repository View Cover Flow

The Editor toggle on the Repository View’s Activity Bar enables and disables the Detail Editor Sidebar. If the Editor toggle is brown, the Detail Editor Sidebar is turned off. If the Editor toggle is green, the Detail Editor Sidebar is turned on.

For a more detailed description of the items in the Repository View’s Activity Bar, see the Repository View Reference Guide and the individual sections of this document that describe their functionality.

For a detailed description about record validation and the Record Error Status Indicator, see the Record Validation section later in this document.

Filter Records

Two methods exist for applying Filters to repositories: Predefined Filters and Dynamic Filters. For detailed information, see Filters.

Resize Repository View Column Width to Fit Screen

If the Repository View is being displayed in Grid View, the width of the columns can be resized in an attempt to fit as many columns as possible onto the display screen, without restricting the view of attribute values. The columns will minimally be sized to the width necessary to display the record attribute values. If the minimally sized columns cannot all fit onto the screen, a scroll bar at the bottom of the grid view will allow the user to scroll to the right to see more column data.

To resize the width of columns in a Repository View, expand the Preference View Dropdown in the Activity Bar. Select Resize. The width of the columns will be minimized.

Minimize Column Width: Resize