Package Promotions

Package Promotions are defined and configured by the system administrator, (see EnterWorks 10 Administration Guide).

For a detailed look at Package Promotions, see EnterWorks 10 Basics.

Initiating Package Promotions

To promote selected Packages, first open the root repository for the defined Package Promotion. Open the Feature Sidebar, select Repository to open a list of repository folders, and select the desired folder. Choose the desired repository from the displayed list of repositories. The repository will be opened in a Repository View.

Repository View: Grid View

Select the desired record, records or Saved Set in the Repository View. Note that additional records cannot be added to a multi-record work item once it has been created.

Open the More Actions dropdown by clicking the on the Repository View’s Activity Bar. Select the Send to Workflow option.

Repository View More Dropdown List: Send to Workflow

A Workflow Submission window will appear.

Workflow Submission Window

Expand the desired Package Promotion workflow.

Workflow Submission Window: Expanded Package Promotion Workflow

Set the Action to Promote to promote the records. If the system is configured to allow it, the user may select Validate to validate the records and generate the Package Promotion report without promoting the records to Production.

Click Start to create a work item on the Package Promotions workflow. To exit the Workflow Submission window without creating a work item and sending it to workflow, click Cancel or close the Workflow Submission window.

The Workflow Submission window will close. Refresh the Repository View to show that the record(s) are being processed in a workflow. The Locked In Workflow indicator will appear next to the Status indicator of records that are in workflow.

Repository View: Records in Workflow

The records are only in workflow briefly, so the Repository View will indicate they are in workflow for only a few seconds, even though the Package Promotion process may still be in progress.

The user can view the progress of the Package Promotion in the Job Monitor (either the tab or the Widget) or in the Scheduled Import Jobs repository. See View Package Promotion Progress via Scheduled Import Jobs Repository or View Package Promotion Progress via Job Monitor .

View Package Promotion Progress via Scheduled Import Jobs Repository

To view the progress of the Package Promotion via the Scheduled Import Jobs repository, first select the Features Sidebar icon on the Tab Bar to open the list of repository folders. Open the folder labeled Scheduled Activities, then select the Scheduled Import Jobs repository.

The Scheduled Import Jobs repository will be opened in a Repository View. The state of the Package Promotion job will be indicated by the value in the Import Status column, either Validate, Promote, or Completed.

Scheduled Import Jobs Repository: Package Promotion During Validation

Scheduled Import Jobs Repository: Completed Package Promotion

View Package Promotion Progress via Job Monitor

For instructions on opening or using the Job Monitor, see Job Monitor.

The validation and Promotion operations are visible in the Job Monitor as individual jobs: Validation and Promotion. The state of the jobs will be indicated by the value in the Status column: Queued, Pending, Error, or Completed.

Job Monitor: Package Promotion Validation and Promotion Jobs

Package Promotion Report

Once the Package Promotion process has completed, the Package Promotion report can be used to find and fix records with validation errors. (For details regarding the Package Promotion Report, see EnterWorks 10 Basics.) Once any errors within a package have been corrected, the package can be re-submitted for Package Promotion

To access the Package Promotion Report after a Package Promotion has completed, open the Job Monitor Widget or tab. For instructions on opening or using the Job Monitor, see Job Monitor.

The validation and Promotion operations are visible in the Job Monitor as individual jobs, labeled: Validation and Promotion. Each job will have its own Package Promotion Report. To download the reports, click the Report icon in the first unlabeled column in the Job Monitor.

Job Monitor: To Access the Package Promotion Report